Human Resources

Overseas Business Travel Is So Glamorous! Or Is It?

When I interview candidates for vacant Civil Service positions, at some point in the conversation, the candidate asks, “Will I have the opportunity to travel overseas?” Traveling internationally for work, whether you are in the public or private sector, can feel like a perk. Yet often the purpose of the trip is integral to your jobRead… Read more »

Get Rid of Check-the-Box Online Learning

The following is an interview with Dean Pianta, Solutions Manager, Adobe. To learn more about how your agency can excel with virtual training, be sure to check out our guide: The Virtual Training Playbook for Government. Over the past twenty years, the online learning environment has changed dramatically. A quick review of the market revealsRead… Read more »

Workplace Violence/Harassment Policies

Better To Be Prepared… Than Being Accused of Not Being Responsive To… “Shhh… ! We don’t discuss this here. Besides, it will never happen..” What am I alluding to, here? Workplace Violence. Even though we are all familiar with the phrase “going postal,” does your agency have a formal, up-to-date, policy regarding this type of situation? How aboutRead… Read more »

Innovation and Adaptibility in Organizational Culture

Have you ever heard of buzzword bingo? Where you and your co-workers make a bingo card of words or phrases like “touch base” and “data driven” and “Scalable” and “Proactive” and “Paradigm,” then head into a meeting and see who can hit a bingo? Well, it’s a real thing. I mention it because buzzword bingoRead… Read more »

Public-Private Partnerships: Why Isn’t the U.S. More Experienced With Them?

Public Private Partnerships are a reliable method of conducting various types of business on the local, state, and federal levels. Also known as PPPs, 3Ps, or P3s these types of models allow the public and private sectors to apply the strengths and resources of each sector. P3s may be more difficult to execute than otherRead… Read more »

Starting is Easier Than Stopping

Bob Tiede (@bobtiede) writes on leadership at his website,  On his list of ten questions leaders need to ask themselves, Bob has this nugget about change: “When is the last time I abandoned a program?” Yikes! That is a tough one for us govies. We are skilled at identifying problems and developing solutions, whichRead… Read more »

Reality TV and Accessibility Have a Lot in Common

How many times have you heard people say, “I hate reality TV! I want real shows. I wish they’d make something else.”? I don’t understand why people remained glued to reality TV shows despite their professed hatred of them. “But there’s nothing else on,” people say. “I’ve gotta watch something!” Hold out, I say, holdRead… Read more »