Human Resources

Four Lessons From the Norovirus

For the past four days, I have been battling an invisible foe – the norovirus. Since absolutely no one wants to hear about the aliments and side effects of the stomach bug, I will spare you the grisly details. You’re welcome. But I did actually learn some surprising things while I was battling the virusRead… Read more »

A Day in the Life of an Accessibility SME

I met a fellow govie recently, and when I told him that I work in digital media accessibility, he said, “OMG, I could not review code all day, every day!” Well…neither could I, and although that’s what most people think we accessibility peeps do, that’s not the case. I may or may not look atRead… Read more »

Survivor: Cubicle Farm

Also no surprise, the business community, whether private sector or government-based, tends to focus on the knowledge, skills and abilities related to job performance or career development. But rare is the job advertisement that warns: Successful applicants should be prepared to remain seated for biologically unnatural periods of time.

Special Emphasis Observances: Mend Them or End Them

Can we do away with the following months or at least change the way we commemorate them: Black History, Women’s History, Asian Pacific American Heritage, Hispanic Heritage, National Disability Employment Awareness and Native American Heritage? Why. Rarely do these observances focus on what executive orders, public laws, federal regulations and Presidential proclamations require- the improvementRead… Read more »

The Way Out of the Federal Leadership and Employee Engagement Crisis? Talent Analytics

The number of questions that can be answered by analytics is virtually endless. And the answers can provide the necessary insight to help direct an agency to pay more or less attention to particular areas that can have the highest or most immediate impact. This is a much more thoughtful, insightful and accountable approach than… Read more »

What Does a Creative Organisation Look Like?

“I think it is important to point out that creativity is a human capability. It is not owned by, or restricted to artists, designers and architects; everyone has it, but the real question is how you harness creativity in such a way that it can be made productive.” There has been a growing recognition inRead… Read more »

The Open Office Layout: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Although the public sector typically falls into the laggard category of adopting workplace trends, the open office layout is something that just cannot be avoided nowadays. According to a study conducted by Emerald Insight, over 70% of all offices have switched from cube farms to the open office layout. So whether you like it orRead… Read more »