Human Resources

7 Ways Government Employees Differ from Private Sector Employees

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 17% of working Americans are employed by the public sector. Here on Govloop, we all know what makes us different than private sector employees, but what does the research say? A look at the available research revealed 7 surprising (and not so surprising!) ways that government employeesRead… Read more »

If Overt Inequality is Dead Why is There Still Inequality

I think this is a question that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would ask if he were living today. After protests, marches, civil disobedience, untold violence, tragic deaths and the ultimate passage of anti-discrimination laws, why does so much division and inequality endure in the USA? Rutgers University white professor Nancy DiTomaso addresses this issueRead… Read more »

A New Year’s Lesson In Progress: PerformanceStat and Government Agency Improvement

It’s been two weeks since the kick-start to New Year’s resolutions, and hopefully everyone’s still in the mindset of self-improvement. But you and I aren’t the only ones who set improvement goals for ourselves. Christopher Dorobek, host of the podcast DorobekINSIDER, spoke with Bob Behn, Senior Lecturer at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, andRead… Read more »

We Still Need to Convince People About Accessibility

I just read a blog post about the benefits of an accessible site. Despite working in accessibility for the past 15 years, sometimes I still get surprised that we even need to have the conversation about accessibility being necessary and the right thing to do–particularly in government where we’re required to comply with Section 508.Read… Read more »

The Washington Redskins and the Importance of Successful Talent Management

The world’s largest organizations understand that there are no quick fixes. Talent management and people management have strategic importance to and are critical to an organization’s success. A people-oriented organization with the ability to find, attract, recruit and develop the best talent understands talent management is a never-ending discipline.

Transactional Engagement vs. Transformational Engagement

We have heard the federal government engagement refrain so many times; we can repeat it in our sleep. It goes something like this according to engagement consultants Lior Arussy and Ed Murphy. Management says: • Let’s do an engagement survey. • We need hard data. • Let’s share the data with employees; they will knowRead… Read more »