Human Resources

The Bias in All of Us

I hear it all the time in cubicles, in the cafeteria, in the restroom and around the water cooler: • I don’t have a biased bone in my body. • I am not biased, I have two American Indian friends. • I don’t need diversity and inclusion training, I am unbiased toward everyone. • BiasRead… Read more »

8 Emotional Intelligence Tips for Building an Inclusive Workplace

Colleen Stanley teaches emotional intelligence to sales professionals and has one of the best plain English definitions of emotional intelligence. What are you feeling, why are you feeling this emotion and how does it impact how you show up? Since interacting with others who are different from us is an emotional experience, emotional intelligence hasRead… Read more »

How To Be Married

According to the Jewish faith, everyone is born as half of a pair. We spend our lives looking for our soulmate, without whom we will always feel and be incomplete. Yet in our quest for satisfaction, we risk becoming selfish. Thinking that it’s about our needs, our happiness and our selves only. Doesn’t Anyone BlushRead… Read more »

Government Agencies Must Improve Their “Grade” on Talent Management

When asked to make an assessment on talent management, organizations give themselves a pretty dismal grade: a C minus, or a 1.5 grade point average (GPA), according to a recent, ambitious survey report from Deloitte. Organizations are struggling Specifically, more than 2,530 business and HR leaders evaluated their proficiencies on a number of “urgent” needsRead… Read more »

How Racism Begets More Racism

Amanda Blackhorse is a Diné American Indian and lives on the Navajo Nation in Arizona. She is the lead plaintiff in Blackhorse v. Pro-Football which challenges the trademark protection of the term “Washington Redskins.” She and four other plaintiffs won their case against the Washington football team in June 2014 when the Trademark Trial andRead… Read more »

Creating a Cadre of Cross-Agency Executives

President Obama recently proposed a new White House Leadership Development Program. The goal is to expose rising leaders to the experience of solving challenges across agency boundaries. This could ultimately lead to a new capacity in government – a cadre of experienced executives who know how to get things done collaboratively.  Cross –agency collaboration isRead… Read more »

The Value of Volunteering is Not About Headcount, but Headway

Earlier last week, the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) released a report on volunteering and civic life in America in collaboration with the Corporation for National and Community Service and the U.S. Census Bureau. Promisingly, surveys of 100,000 subjects found that one in four American adults volunteer with an organization and nearly two-thirds engage in activities to helpRead… Read more »

Federal Talent Management – Overcoming the Talent Assessment Hurdle

Federal agencies are grappling with how to best move from their legacy talent management systems to what can help them with the challenges of 2015 and beyond. And while there are seemingly no shortages of choices, the truth may not be as complicated. While the talent management market has expanded significantly over recent years, in… Read more »

The Role Differences Play in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) World

We live in a VUCA world. We have elected an African American President for two straight terms. In five states, minority populations are the majority population-Hawaii, California, New Mexico, Texas and the District of Columbia. 36 states and 15 tribes recognize same sex marriage. Women can not only serve in the military but in combatRead… Read more »