Human Resources

What Your Agency Can Learn from NASA

NASA has done it again. For the third consecutive year, it ranked highest among large federal agencies for its employee satisfaction, according to the 2014 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government survey. The big question is, of course, how NASA continues to do it. This is especially puzzling when overall federal employee satisfactionRead… Read more »

Happy to Work in Gov? Survey Says No

I am going to be brutally honest with you. It’s a tough time to be a federal employee. For the fourth year in a row, The Best Places to Work data showed a decline in federal employee satisfaction. The Partnership for Public Service found government-wide, federal employee job satisfaction and commitment fell 0.9 points to aRead… Read more »

Where Did All the American Indians Go?

Sarah Shear, an Associate Professor of Social Studies Education at Pennsylvania State University in Altoona, PA along with other researchers spent two years analyzing US history standards to determine what students are learning about American Indians. Their research will be published in the upcoming issue of Theory and Research in Social Education. Shear’s research isRead… Read more »

Talent Analytics – Make that Move

HR leaders and their HR teams throughout federal agencies can presumably feel the groundswell of talent analytics all around them. Industry analysts, press and vendors are all declaring the importance of big data and how it relates to talent analytics. Forward-thinking government leaders are asking more questions and providing more directives about the analysis ofRead… Read more »

No More Gambling for Your Pension

Congrats! You just won your state’s lottery! But there’s a catch. You aren’t actually going to receive any of the money. Or if you do, it will be a tiny fraction. Imagine that you worked your entire life for this pot of gold. For public employees, receiving your promised pension and retirement plan funding isRead… Read more »