Human Resources

It Takes Knowledge Management to Harpoon a Comet

Like many earlier this week, I was picking my jaw off the floor when I learned of the success of the Rosetta mission in safely getting the Philae lander on comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko.  There are not enough expletives to precede the word “amazing” in describing that feat of math and engineering (not to mention good fortune). Read… Read more »

The Kids are All Right – But Could be Better

Examining child care management solutions for state and local governments. Govies are hard workers – they’re techies, policy pros, and management rock stars. What’s easy to forget sometimes, is that they’re also moms and dads, aunts and uncles, guardians and godparents. Even for those not in these categories, many work in agencies that involve kids andRead… Read more »

“Myth Busters” for Millennials

“Ask again later.” Not my favorite answer from a Magic 8 Ball. And possibly worse than any of the more neutral responses because it’s almost blatantly rejecting my question. But, when I do get a “Yes – definitely,” I am ecstatic with the fortune-telling toy. Who doesn’t enjoy getting a straightforward answer, like advice fromRead… Read more »

Stop What You’re Doing — Engage Your Employees!

Agency leaders and managers — stop what you’re doing – focus and engage! You’re looking at a whirlwind of challenges and problems that seemingly feed on each other as you drown in an ocean of HR calamities: It takes too long to hire someone You can’t attract the talent you need New employees are boggedRead… Read more »

10 Ways to Undermine Performance Management

Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) is an umbrella term used to describe the methodologies, metrics, processes, and systems that help enterprise companies monitor and manage their business’s performance. Executives seeking deeper insights into business trends and potentially ambiguous opportunities utilize Performance Management. Sub-components of EPM include: Enterprise Planning, Performance Monitoring & Measurement, and Enterprise-Wide Reporting. BenefitsRead… Read more »

3 Tips to Finish a Mentoring Partnership Strong

GovLoop has facilitated five cohorts of its government-wide mentoring program over the past four years, connecting more than 250 mentees with seasoned public sector professionals in that time. To help these mentoring partnerships achieve success, we share tips and insights that facilitate the relationship every step of the way. In talking with program participants andRead… Read more »

9 Things Not to Say to an American Indian/Alaska Native and Why

In Celebration of American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage Month. Indian Giver Definition- A person who takes a gift back after giving it to someone. Historical Context- To Native people, the giving of gifts should be reciprocated with a gift of something of greater value. Europeans interpreted these “gifts” as things that required no commensurate or biggerRead… Read more »

What is In a Name?

American Indian and Alaska Native peoples and governments have been an integral part of the North American landscape. Against tremendous odds, they have endured great hardship and tragedy and yet remain a viable cultural, political, social and moral presence. They have taught the world diversity and inclusion values that are now ingrained in the humanRead… Read more »