Human Resources

Fiscal Year 2015 — The Year of Opportunity for Talent Management?

The new federal fiscal year is upon us and with it comes new opportunity and a chance for fresh beginnings. In reality, astute leaders are always looking and planning ahead, so just because the turning of a calendar page indicates a new year, it doesn’t mean new thinking and foresight waits for that day. You’veRead… Read more »

How to Create an Internal Innovation Strategy

There has been a lot of focus on external innovation but what about creating an organization that is consistently innovative internally. This requires that leadership put in place an innovation strategy. Like many leadership initiatives, innovation requires persistency, advocacy and a culture to support it. Throw in technology and you have what I have dubbedRead… Read more »

How to Have a Tough Work Conversation

Have you been putting off a tough conversation? Stewing about it? Losing sleep over it for days? (I’ve got one coming up that I’ve been dreading!) We tend to put off difficult conversations, whether we’re needing to confront a coworker, ask a boss for a raise, bring up behavioral issues with a subordinate, or discussRead… Read more »

Is the Invisible Problem More Likely in IT?

We all understand how important it is to maintain frequent, open, and direct communications among IT project team members. In fact, one of the biggest challenges that managers face is in establishing and keeping these lines open. Challenges often arise because, it seems, many IT professionals tend to be introverted – shy about speaking up,Read… Read more »

3 Musts for Inclusion

As I negotiate inclusion trainings with busy supervisors and managers in the federal government, I am often asked, “Boil inclusion down to a couple of talking points for me.” Know Yourself This is often the most difficult first step. Most of us go through life without fully know ourselves by identifying our personal beliefs, biasesRead… Read more »

Dealing With Conflicts at the Workplace

Conflict is an inherent part of any workplace. A sharp disagreement or opposition of interests and ideas are part of businesses. However, when it occurs, the morale of the employees will be lowered. Absenteeism will be much higher and the production will decrease. Managing and resolving the workplace conflicts is one of the biggest challengeRead… Read more »