Human Resources

Retirement: Why the Next Generation Needs a Plan

“It’s the year 2043 and Cheryl, a 60-year-old public works employee with 30 years of service, has just reviewed her retirement savings with a financial adviser. She is surprised that she will need to work several more years to reach her retirement income goals. “My father retired from city government after 25 years and hadRead… Read more »

EEOC Seeks Presenters: EXCEL 2014 Training in San Diego, Aug. 12-14

17th Annual EXCEL TRAINING CONFERENCEEXamining Conflicts in Employment LawsAugust 12-14, 2014 San Diego, California Registration and additional information coming soon! Interested in being a presenter at EXCEL? We are seeking EEO professionals, industry consultants, professional speakers and trainers, and industry suppliers who can expand the knowledge base of attendees, presenting new twists on old ideas/practices,Read… Read more »

Federal CIO smackdown – too harsh, not harsh enough? – Plus your 7 gov stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: If you were scrolling through government publications in the wake of the Tuesday’s State of the Union, you were probably not surprised to see headlines decrying the lack of mentions of feds or government reforms in the speech. Besides a reform to contractor pay and a new focus on permitting challenges,Read… Read more »

4 #SOTUgov must reads – Plus 7 stories that matter to gov

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: In the past year, feds have been furloughed, sequestered and had their pay frozen, and yet when the shutdown shuttered government offices for much of the month of October, most feds, caught in partisan politics, just wanted to return to work. It is that single minded determination that is often overlookedRead… Read more »

3 things the President should say in the SOTU – Plus Dorobek’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Hiring is one of the biggest challenges in government. Getting the right people in the right position is key for an effective government. Just as hiring the right NIH scientist is key to curing disease so too is hiring the right procurement official. However, well-trained procurement officials are hard to findRead… Read more »

The solution to procurement woes, people?

Hiring is one of the biggest challenges in government. Getting the right people in the right position is key for an effective government. Just as hiring the right NIH scientist is key to curing disease so too is hiring the right procurement official. However, well-trained procurement officials are hard to find and the lack ofRead… Read more »

The federal CIO billed as a narcoleptic – Plus Dorobek’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: has been a massive contracting challenge from the onset. What went wrong? And can we learn from past contracting blunders? We talk to the professors who wrote the book on government contracting Trevor Brown and David Van Slyke. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoop InsightsRead… Read more »

Are you planning to attend today’s FREE webinar? Top Challenges Facing CLO’s and other learning professionals

Join us for Free Webinar: Top Challenges Facing CLO’s and other learning professionals Friday, January 24: 11:00 – 11:45 AM EST During the session, I will share best practices from leading Fortune 1000 corporations and Federal agencies on how to build internal HR credibility and capacity To logon to session @ 11:00 AM EST, clickRead… Read more »

Does government appreciate innovation? Plus Dorobek’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Conference spending at four agencies fell 88 percent from fiscal 2010 to 2012, according to a report released Jan. 3 and those agencies weren’t alone. Across government spending on training and conferences fell. So what should feds who are want to grow and network do? You can find all of ourRead… Read more »

Do government workers need “resilience training” to be able to do their jobs? – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: By now we have all seen the advertisements for Google Glass, Fitbitand the Galaxy Gear. These futuristic technologies are making a name for themselves in the marketplace. You can track your calories, make calls and search google all from tech attached to your wrist or glasses. But can these techs makeRead… Read more »