Human Resources

SUCCESS RULE # 25 – Leverage Your Why

In Rule 24, we spoke about knowing your why, an important rule for success. To generate extraordinary success learn to leverage your why with massive amounts of pain. When asked, many people believe it is the desire for pleasure that motivates us, more money, beautiful home, phenomenal vacations. On the contrary. Certainly many people wouldRead… Read more »

Is an Obama administration shake-up coming? Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Federal employee job satisfaction plummeted again this year to the lowest levels since OPM began surveying morale in 2002. So, what can be done to buck the trend next year? We get three insights from Tom Fox at the Partnership for Public Service. But up front: National Journal: An Obama administrationRead… Read more »

Satisfaction Slows for Gov Employees – 3 Reasons Why

Federal pay, sequestration and uncertain agency funding have weakened federal-employee satisfaction, according to the Office of Personnel Management’s Federal Employee Viewpoint survey. For the second year in a row, overall employee satisfaction scores fell, dipping below 60 percent this year, reports Federal News Radio. A sharp drop in employees’ satisfaction with their pay, down 5Read… Read more »

Google’s Got Your Six

We celebrated Veterans’ Day last week with parades and much-deserved thank you’s for our veterans. This outpouring of support, however, is often not reflected in the civilian workforce where veterans have trouble finding jobs. Google wants to change that. Google believes that the best way to celebrate our veterans is by bringing them into theRead… Read more »

Government’s 21st Century Learning Community

What do you do as a government employee when you have a question on the job? You likely have four options: You “Google” it. You ask a colleague. You look for a relevant document on your desk, desktop computer or shared drive. You try to see if there’s an upcoming training that can help you.Read… Read more »

How mapmakers are saving lives in the Phillippines – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: What happens when major projects fail? How do you rebound? Keep your team motivated? Insights from the Partnership for Public Service. But up front: The Atlantic: How Online Mapmakers Are Helping the Red Cross Save Lives in the Philippines Roll Call oped: David Hawkings: Budgetary Tunnel Vision: No Early Light atRead… Read more »

When projects go wrong – now what?

In a House Oversight Committee Hearing on the Affordable Care Act website, Chairman Darrell Issa pressed Todd Park, Chief Technology Officer in the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, on just how many simultaneous users could have been handled by the website on the day of its launch. The hearing was just theRead… Read more »

2014 Leave Record Spreadsheet Plus FEHB Same-Sex Coverage

Our 2014 Leave Record & Scheduling Spreadsheet is now available for download to your desktop. Use it to automatically track your leave balances in all categories, annotate your schedule, and to establish realistic retirement target dates to maximize your benefits when you leave. This FREE spreadsheet automatically calculates your accrued annual and sick leave balances,Read… Read more »

Feds Job Satisfaction is Down, Again – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Back in 2010, Congress passed the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA). The goal was simple, strengthen performance management in agencies. That sounds simple, but in the government culture, it is hard to focus on outcomes over results. Find out the keys to performance management success. But up front: NY Times:Read… Read more »

HR Tech Conference 2013: Reflections and Images

Summary: As evidenced by the vendors and service providers who participated in the 2013 HR Tech Conference Expo Hall in Las Vegas earlier this month, the HR industry continues to make significant progress developing and leveraging social and digital technologies. This post shares my impressions from the event and includes a slide deck that illustratesRead… Read more »