Human Resources

The shutdown is over – resentments remain?

We’ve been away for some time now, so please don’t expect that we can return to normalcy in a day or even a week. We need each of you to take time, each hour, to check on your co workers and offer encouragement and comfort where necessary. We are one team, the best team inRead… Read more »

Meet the Fix-It Man – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: In 1962 President John F. Kennedy delivered his famous, “We Go to the Moon,” speech at Rice University. At the time a rocket to the moon seemed inconceivable. But the common goal, the collective support, showcased what we can accomplish when we all get on the same page. In part twoRead… Read more »

Why I Didn’t Quit My Job During the Government Shutdown

During the 17-day Federal government shutdown my company, Corner Alliance Inc., had to make some tough decisions. Many of our employees were not able to perform work (read: make money) including myself. I worked the first week of the shutdown on internal Corner Alliance tasks, like our website and a Virtual Participation Best Practices document.Read… Read more »

New Task Force for Navy Yard Shooting – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: It would be easy to remember former GSA Administrator Martha Johnson from the training conference scandal in Las Vegas, Nevada last year. The scandal was front page news and fodder for late night comedians that resulted in her resignation in April 2012. But despite it all, Johnson has remained passionate aboutRead… Read more »

Shutdown Ramifications (Part II): 3 Hidden Costs to Federal Workforce

Now that a semblance of normality has returned to Washington it’s time to ask an important question: What are the shutdown’s costs to the federal workforce? We know the tangible costs in terms of dollars. But what about the hidden costs which are more difficult to measure? In addition to lost economic productivity and America’sRead… Read more »

Reshaping and resizing the Pentagon – Plus your Weekend Reads

Government restructuring. It seems like we have been talking about eliminating duplicative programs for years. But there hasn’t been much progress. But now that sequestration and other budget cuts are on the table a restructuring of government seems to be inevitable, especially at the Defense Department. So how do you restructure correctly? Christopher Lamb isRead… Read more »

Budget, Blather, Repeat – You’re back at work, now what?

After 16 long days, the government is back to work. Hundreds of thousands of workers returned to their office after three weeks of confusion and worry. However just because government is open for business it doesn’t mean things are back to normal. Jeff Neal is the Senior Vice President with ICF International. He told ChrisRead… Read more »

The Next Generation of Analytics: Insights from Dr. Michael Evanchik

“Data analytics should be a core competency taught to all college students.” –Adrian Gardner, Chief Information Officer, Federal Emergency Management Agency Only 15% of government agencies rely on analytics to meet agency goals, even though nearly 85% of agencies acknowledge analytics can bring increased efficiency and productivity to their agencies, according to GovLoop’s most recentRead… Read more »

Partnerships for Innovation: Private and Public Sector Collaboration at Google

As GovLoop has reported, customer service is essential to the agency of the future. Fortunately, advances in technology are allowing agencies to excel in delivering customer service. For example, social media allows customers to engage directly with organizations while analytics allows companies to learn how to serve their clients. In public and private agencies realRead… Read more »