Human Resources

Essentially Non-Essential – How to deal with the monikers when gov reopens

We’ll say it as many times as it takes: “You Are Essential!” Yes, you heard us. Every federal employee is essential. That’s why GovLoop launched the You Are Essential campaign. (To join in and get some sweet swag click here.) But the “You Are Essential” mantra doesn’t change the fact that some people were requiredRead… Read more »

Something’s Gotta Give – Why CFOs Face an Uphill Battle

Something’s gotta give. That’s the theme from the new survey by the Association of Government Accountants (AGA) and Grant Thornton on federal CFOs. The survey finds federal CFOs and their staffs have only enough time, money and know-how to do the basics around financial management. The survey included 100 interviews and 180 self-selected responses fromRead… Read more »

Position Yourself for Tomorrow

Quote: “You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” – James Allen Have you ever watched a television doctor show and the doctors are frantically trying to save someone only to have the person die and flat line. Yes, me too. It’s sad. What’s evenRead… Read more »

Learning through the impasse

My company, Skillsoft, recognizes that the current budget impasse is a very trying time for many in and out of the Government. As many know, Skillsoft provides a wide range of learning and performance support assets throughout the Federal Government and to many Government contractors as well. I am very curious how these and otherRead… Read more »

Hiring Social Media Experts: Guidance for (Rookie) Buyers

Summary: Most people would agree that hiring social media experts – whether you’re looking for a consultant or to fill an in-house role – is a dicey proposition, especially for buyers who aren’t very digitally sophisticated themselves. This post provides general guidance for organizations looking to hire consultants, contractors, and/or employees to lead and helpRead… Read more »

Social Media Experts: Why Organizations Need Them

Summary: Many people are critical of the notion of social media experts, falsely claiming they don’t exist – and by extension implying they aren’t necessary. These criticisms, combined with the pervasiveness, low cost, and relative ease of use of social technologies, lead many people to assume (also falsely) that DIY and “give it to theRead… Read more »

Social Media & Free Speech: Appeals Court Gives Facebook Thumbs Up

Score a victory for free speech on social media. In case you missed it, the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond recently overturned a lower court decision in a closely watched lawsuit involving First Amendment protections on social media (Bland v. Roberts 12-1671). The suit centered on state employees of a sheriff’s officeRead… Read more »

Classification and Recruitment

I have often wondered why no-one has brought up the classification and recruitment processes. I have often read (yes even on this site) advancement of ideas that would make a Government Classifier or Recruiter almost pass out in disbelieve [of how many laws have been broken]. And cause investigators of prohibited personnel practices to droolRead… Read more »