Human Resources

Compete Like a Man, Lead Like a Woman

Yesterday morning, I attended Drupal GovDays 2013 at the National Institutes of Health campus. While I have limited web design and coding experience, I found the conference valuable in that it showcased the power of technology in bringing people together to discuss leading practices and new tools. The depth and breadth of the speaker topicsRead… Read more »

What Did You Say to Me? | Increasing Workplace Communication

Workplace communication isn’t easy. Communication. Everything, from personal to business relationships hinges on it. Communicate too little, too much, or incorrectly and everything you’ve worked for can fall apart. When people communicate properly, in a way that makes all parties feel heard, even conflict and criticism can be constructive and lead to positive results. HumansRead… Read more »

Assessing Top Secret clearances – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Today the big issues facing our government do not fall neatly into one agency’s mission. In order to find real solutions we need an enterprise approach. But right now agencies don’t speak the same language so collaboration is borderline impossible. We get nine solutions from Booz Allen Hamilton’s Ron Sanders. TheRead… Read more »

Are you speaking my language? How to become bureaucratically multi-cultural

“Today the big issues facing our government do not fall neatly into one agency’s mission. Food safety laws for example are regulated by 15 different agencies and teams. In order to find real solutions we need an enterprise approach,” said Ron Sanders. But the problem is government doesn’t collaboration very effectively or easily. Sanders isRead… Read more »

Detroit Water and Sewerage Department Improves Service to Taxpayers While Reducing Costs

HP recently released a new case study outlining how they utilized enterprise architecture to improve Detroit’s Water and Sewage Department’s (DWSD) service to taxpayers while reducing costs. DWSD is the third-largest water and sewer utility in the United States, pumping 595 million gallons of clean drinking water each day to Michigan residents and providing wastewaterRead… Read more »

MSPB Delays Processing DoD Furlough Appeals – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: In the public sector, first time supervisors are being promoted into positions as a result of attrition, retirement, and the like. Tom Fox finds that now is the perfect time to address some issue new leaders may face to help them potentially avoid making rookie mistakes. The SEVEN stories that impactRead… Read more »

Can First Time Supervisors Avoid Rookie Mistakes?

In the public sector, first time supervisors are being promoted into positions as a result of attrition, retirement, and the like. Now is the perfect time to address some issue new leaders may face to help them potentially avoid making rookie mistakes. Tom Fox, Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at the Partnership for PublicRead… Read more »

USPS Reports Loss for 3rd Straight Quarter – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Agile acquisitions are causing quite a stir in the contracting community. But could it be the perfect match? Retired Coast Guard Captain Dan Taylor tells us why agile contracting could save time and money. The SEVEN stories that impact your life The U.S. Postal Service reported a net loss of $740Read… Read more »