Human Resources

Employee Retention Doesn’t Just Happen

What employee retention strategies do you use to engage and retain employees? Statistics from research done by the labor bureau show that the average American will hold around 11.3 jobs during their working years. The average number of jobs held is actually going up- especially with Millennials. Eleven may seem like a really high numberRead… Read more »

TSP Rebounds in July – A look at your retirement

The Thrift Savings Plan rebounded last month from a June dip. That’s good news for your retirement account. Kim Weaver is the Director of External Affairs at the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board. She told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINISDER program that all TSP funds posted in positive territory for the first time since April.Read… Read more »

How Do You Manage Millennials? Inspire, Adapt, Accept? – Insights from the NextGen Summit

Last week GovLoop was proud to co-host the Next Generation of Government Training Summit with Young Government Leaders. More than 500 young government professionals descended on the JW Marriott for a two day training summit that featured over 100 speakers. For anyone in attendance there was one thing that was crystal clear, these young peopleRead… Read more »

Sequester Beyond 2014, Spells Trouble for DOD – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Solving complex problems takes creativity. That’s a given. But harnessing creativity can be a challenge. One way to tap into that reservoir is to remember how you acted when you were a kid. Kids are disruptive, destructive and fun. That’s the perfect formula for innovation, you have to be willingly toRead… Read more »

Federal-Wide Mentoring Program for New Employees

It’s time for us to invest in our future government leaders from the moment they join our workforce! Do you remember your first days when you became a federal employee? And do you wish you had someone to talk to or go back and maybe do something a little different? Are you just starting yourRead… Read more »

How the country views sequestration – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: How exactly do you bring Silicon Valley innovation to government? Silicon Valley guru Ryan Allis gives 12 realistic tips for bringing innovation to government. Click here for the full recap. But First: Sequestration Update The Washington Post: Americans’ sequestration shrug — in two charts And if you haven’t been following theRead… Read more »

A fresh perspective on performance metrics

I’ve been reading a pretty good book called Transforming Performance Measurement: Rethinking the Way We Measure and Drive Organizational Success and there’s a ton of great ideas in it. I think anyone who is involved in performance management or measuring the success of specific activities in an organization should read this. It has a lotRead… Read more »

Veterans Seize the Day: The 33rd National Veterans Wheelchair Games

From July 13-18, the 33rd National Veterans Wheelchair Games were held in Tampa, Florida. The games are presented each year by Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) with additional support from numerous corporate and community sponsors. HP is a proud sponsor of the games and connected me with MarthaRead… Read more »

Should Flexibility be a Reward for High Quality Performance?

There are a great many insights we can get on the Federal workforce by looking at the Best Places to Work survey conducted by Partnership for Public Service, but one struck me as particularly revealing. In looking at the data from the 2012 survey, we can see that only four in ten Federal employees believeRead… Read more »

FEMA App Adds Crowdsourcing for Disaster Relief – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: How do people end up hiring the “wrong people?” Geoff Smart was the lunch keynote at NextGen. He outlined 3 common ways: the clone effect (hiring people like yourself), the art critic (I know what I like..) and the hypothetical questions approach (hypothetical questions leads to hypothetical answers, which isn’t veryRead… Read more »