Human Resources

10 Best Practices to Utilize When Designing an Effective Survey

Evaluations are becoming an important part of almost every government activity, especially the administration of grant programs. Many grant program evaluations use surveys to collect information from both benefactors and beneficiaries. For these surveys to be effective, they should follow a few simple best practices outlined below. 1. Brief, Smooth Introduction: This should provide theRead… Read more »

HR Can’t Ignore Big Data

Information remains an organization’s most valuable and underutilized asset. Top performers are investing in analytics to elevate recruitment and performance. Everyone talks about big data. People talk about being overwhelmed by information, about capturing it, storing it, struggling with it and doing something useful with it. Talent managers can’t avoid the topic. The digital universeRead… Read more »

Pres. Unveils New Management Agenda – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Often times it seems like the government’s answer to a problem is to add more regulations or requirements. To pile on the problem rather than really look for a solution. The AGA has come up with a new guide to help. But up front: White House’s New Management Agenda! The WhiteRead… Read more »

How to Reduce Your Agency’s Recruiting Costs

In good times, trimming operational costs is an ongoing goal. In tough times, it’s a necessity. Regardless, recruiting occurs at all times, good and bad. Growth increases personnel numbers in good times, and opportunistic or replacement hiring occurs when budgets tighten. By using creative recruiting strategies in synergy with the latest technology developments, you canRead… Read more »

115,000 Feds Furloughed on Friday – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: President Obama nominated Katherine Archuleta to be the next director of the Office of Personnel Management, who took over for John Berry. So what are the four things she needs to do? Insights from the Partnership’s Tom Fox. The SEVEN stories that impact your life Thousands of federal employees will haveRead… Read more »

A New Era at OPM – 4 Things the New Director Should Focus On

President Obama nominated Katherine Archuleta to be the next director of the Office of Personnel Management, who took over for John Berry. Archuleta, who has previously served as the national political director for Obama’s re-election campaign and chief of staff at the Labor Department, is the first Latina to head the agency. But she hasRead… Read more »

DOD Can’t Supplement Furloughed Workers with Contractors – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Only about 1% of the Smithsonian’s massive collection of archives is on display at any given time at the museums. That means that 99% of the archives are off limits to the public and scientists alike. They are trying to fix that by digitizing the archives. Find out how that’s goingRead… Read more »

Learn EEO: 16th Annual EEOC EXCEL Training, Aug. 27-29 in Denver

Experience EXCEL-lence in EEO! The EXCEL Training Conference is sponsored by the EEOC’s Training Institute. In its 16th year, EXCEL is the premier Federal training conference for EEO managers, suervisors, practitioners, HR professionals, attorneys and ADR specialists. EXCEL provides training in topics from ADR to MD-715 and much, much more. New to EXCEL 2013 isRead… Read more »