Human Resources

Gone Digital – How the Smithsonian Plans to Digitize 130 Million Objects

Only about 1% of the Smithsonian’s massive collection of archives is on display at any given time at the museums. That means that 99% of the archives are off limits to the public and scientists alike. “If people can’t access the archives they might as well not exist,” said Gunter Waibel. Waibel is is theRead… Read more »

Telework: Saving Dollars and Making Sense

A recent GAO report reviewed OPM’s 2012 annual report to Congress on the Federal government’s telework programs. While it acknowledges the progress that has been made in agency reporting on this issue, it also makes the interesting point that agencies have not yet focused on assessing the cost savings associated with telework programs. That’s aRead… Read more »

Feds to benefit from high court’s DOMA decision – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: In the ongoing war on government budgets there is another victim, the internship. “We’ve seen agencies really dial back their internship programs in the face of these budget cuts,” said Tom Fox. “If you are having furloughs, hiring freezes and pay freezes it’s only natural you would see a decline inRead… Read more »

Does Your Organization Have a Social Media Policy for All Generations?

These days, most every orientation handbook has it: the dreaded social media policy. Does your agency have a social media policy for all generations? Some rules can be fairly liberal, like when social media can be used during working hours. Some are more stringent- like how employees use their accounts on their own time. SocialRead… Read more »

Do Furloughs Mean the End of Internships?

In the ongoing war on government budgets there is another victim, the internship. “We’ve seen agencies really dial back their internship programs in the face of these budget cuts,” said Tom Fox. “If you are having furloughs, hiring freezes and pay freezes it’s only natural you would see a decline in internships as well.” FoxRead… Read more »

Putting the S.O.U.L. Back in Your Work

Only 43% of you think you will be rewarded or promoted in your job. And only 36% think creativity and innovation are rewarded. Those are some bleak statistics. So how do you stay inspired and empowered in your job? “It’s the S.O.U.L,” says Sariane Leigh. Leigh is a management and program analyst for the GearRead… Read more »

Do You Think You Will Be Promoted? Half of Feds Say No!

Less than half of federal employees believe they will be rewarded or promoted for doing a good job, according to a new analysis from Deloitte and the Partnership for Public Service. Only forty-three percent, or four out of every 10 federal workers, said they thought they would receive performance-based awards or better job opportunities atRead… Read more »

Collecting Social Security While Still Working and CSRS Concerns

A site visitor to one of our forums stated that she was 66 and still working and was CSRS offset. A colleague suggested that she think about drawing social security now versus waiting until she retires. Once you reach age 66 you can earn unlimited amounts without reducing your Social Security benefit. She had beenRead… Read more »