Human Resources

Could the Scandal at IRS Discourage Decision Making?

By now everyone has heard about the situation brewing over at the IRS. But here is a brief refresher: A Treasury Department inspector general criticized IRS management for not providing sufficient oversight for agency workers who evaluate applications for tax-exempt status. The report said that laxity contributed to workers screening for words like “tea party”Read… Read more »

What’s the Value of Virtual Events and Training to Government?

Virtual events and online training are growing in importance as government seeks more cost effective ways to educate and train personnel. PLEASE TAKE OUR 10-MINUTE SURVEY, which is designed to gain your feedback and insights in order to: determine the value and effectiveness of virtual training and events for government learn best practices in planning,Read… Read more »

Does Your Business Suck?

Well, does your business or agency suck? I doubt you’ve asked yourself this question before in quite such a direct manner. This might sound harsh, and maybe it is. Lousy customer service, poor innovation, and bad leadership all contribute to terrible organizational culture- those things all impact your performance and how successful your business is.Read… Read more »

Trimming Federal Real Estate Spend — A 3D Approach to Telework

The following is a post that I wrote with colleague Jim Reidy that originally appeared in Deloitte’s HR Times Blog. Given sequestration and other budget pressures, we’ve seen a strong push among federal agencies to trim their real estate footprints and the associated costs. Telework—the ability for employees to do some or all of theirRead… Read more »

Fire the C Team

The last month I’ve given a talk entitled “Do More with Less”in a number of cities across the country. In the talk, I offer 13 ways agencies can “Do More with Less.” What’s interesting is the #1 most popular idea I present is always “Fire the C Team” My simple thinking is this: We canRead… Read more »

Sequester Cuts Impact Oklahoma Disaster Relief – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Turning data into decisions, it sounds obvious but for large organizations compiling, formatting and interpreting vast amounts of data can be almost impossible. But Army Lieutenant Colonel Bobby Saxon and his team have created a system that does just that for the Army. It’s called Enterprise Management Decision Support System (EMDS).Read… Read more »