Human Resources

Stop Talkin’ Bout My Generation

Generation Y, Millennials, Generation C (for Connected), sometimes even (perhaps incorrectly), the iGeneration. These are the labels that haunt the members of my generation. The large groups of people spanning decades before me are called Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and a wealth of other names, each with their own negative and positive attributes. “Baby BoomersRead… Read more »

DHS CIO Richard Spires Exits – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The drumbeat of low morale, budget cuts and pay freezes portray a dark vision of federal workers and the federal space itself. But in reality there is excellence brewing at every agency. The Partnership for Public Service highlights some of those great stories in their annual Service to America Medals. ClickRead… Read more »

Look at What Gov Can Do? Profiles of Excellence

The drumbeat of low morale, budget cuts and pay freezes portray a dark vision of federal workers and the federal space itself. But in reality there is excellence brewing at every agency. The Partnership for Public Service highlights some of those great stories in their annual Service to America Medals. The 31 finalists in sevenRead… Read more »

Breaking Down the TSP in April – Plus Potential Changes to Automatic Enrollment

April was another good month for the Thrift Savings Plan. How good? Kim Weaver is the Director of External Affairs at the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board. She told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that every single fund was up in April. April’s Numbers: How Does the L-Fund Work? The L-Fund is made upRead… Read more »

Making Adult Education Attractive

As adults we have so many things competing for our time – kids, work or school, significant others, hobbies, extended families, and friends. So even though there’s an enormous amount of online learning material and educational opportunities the challenge is finding the time in our busy lives to take advantage of it all. And evenRead… Read more »

Seven Compelling Reasons to Terminate a Local Government Employee

During my career in local government, there were numerous times individuals running for public office would boast that when they get into office they were going to clean house, get rid of waste, and fire unnecessary public employees to reduce the payroll. Man, that rhetoric sure sounded good during the campaign; however from what IRead… Read more »

Grant Thornton-TechAmerica Survey: Budget, Human Capital Top Agency CIO Concerns

Budget and human capital are the top two areas of concern within the federal chief information officer community as CIOs grapple with sequestration cuts and other budget reductions, according to a TechAmerica-commissioned survey. Grant Thornton helped the trade association conduct the survey and also spoke with other top IT officials at agencies, large programs andRead… Read more »

The View From the Top – How SES’ers View Gov

A few weeks ago we talked with Deloitte’s Dan Helfrich about how feds view their leaders. To be frank, it isn’t positive. Check out the recap here. So how do senior execs feel? Deloitte and the Partnership for Public Service are back with another survey to answer that question. Helfrich is a Principal at DeloitteRead… Read more »

Using Technology to Enhance the Customer Experience – Arlington National Cemetery

“Honor – Remember – Explore,” Arlington National Cemetery’s motto has a new way to allow visitors to do just that with its ANC Explorer mobile app. The cemetery hosts 7,000 annual burials, over 3.1 million annual visitors, and sits on 624 acres of land. Visitors always had two main questions when arriving at the cemetery:Read… Read more »