Human Resources

One Question Survey For Municipal and Local Government Employees and Public Officials

This is one question survey for municipal and local government employees and public officials. Its purpose is to dertermine where you stand on a very important issue. This survey is designed to address a “completely hypothetical situation” in which you would have to make a spilt second decision. Remember your response should be honest andRead… Read more »

Product Webinar: Attract the Right Candidate with Recruiting Ads for Facebook

Register Today Time: Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 10 am PSTSpeaker: Jeff Foster Global Director, Facebook Recruitment Advertising , Work4 Labs Register now for an in-depth look at how to: Target Your Audience with Classic Ads Re-engage Potential Candidates with Retargeting Build a Candidate Database with Custom and Lookalike Audiences Grow Your Audience with SponsoredRead… Read more »

Telework in Trouble? Why Mandatory Implementation is Needed Now…

Telework Week 2013 is just around the corner. Unfortunately, for federal agencies and taxpayers alike, creating a remote work environment has not arrived fast enough government-wide for all eligible employees. Therefore, the following questions merit consideration: 1) Can Uncle Sam get a grip on institutionalizing telework for all eligible employees? 2) Would mandatory and uniformRead… Read more »

Sequestration Obscures Fiscal Reality

The “Fiscal Cliff” was supposed to be a failsafe mechanism. Unfortunately, it now appears likely to fail. Just the threat of a sequester was supposed to ensure bipartisan consensus between Congress and the White House on a host of contentious issues of taxes and spending. Yet the term “compromise” has become a dirty word inRead… Read more »

Know your rights if you’re furloughed – Sequestration Deadline Approaching

The March 1st deadline for sequestration is only a week away. And agency managers are grappling with the very real possibility that they will be forced to furlough thousands of workers. The DoD has already announced that if a deal to avert sequestration is not passed, it will be forced to furlough 800,000 civilian workers.Read… Read more »

Tracking the Sequester: Jockeying Between House and Senate

Originally blogged at Government Affairs Institute With nine days to go, hope of averting the March 1 sequester continues to fade, with each side drawing a line in the sand, and little reason to believe that their differences can be breached any time soon. Last week the President again went on record demanding that anyRead… Read more »

New Fels Report Explores Innovative Ways for the Public Sector to Address the “Skills Gap”

As President Obama calls for new job creation that won’t raise the national budget deficit, an opportunity exists for the private and public sectors to work together. The University of Pennsylvania’s Fels Institute of Government lays out six proven strategies to help governments, businesses and workers successfully address the jobs problem in a new report,Read… Read more »