Human Resources

Military suicides on the rise: What can be done to help?

Here’s a sad fact, last year more service members committed suicide than died on the battlefield. Despite extensive support and counseling programs, as many as 349 service members committed suicide last year, which would be the highest number since the Department of Defense began keeping detailed statistics in 2001. The President and the Defense SecretaryRead… Read more »

Bill would allow Uncle Sam to fire federal tax cheats: Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The White House has unveiled a new insider threat policy in the wake of the Bradley Manning WikiLeaks incident. How are you affected? We get the inside scoop. Click here for the full story. Ever wonder how government agencies might utilize the social media site Pinterest? Now they can. The GSARead… Read more »

Your Transition Survival Guide: DorobekINSIDER Live

DorobekINSIDER Live: Surviving the Transition A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER today. We’re LIVE! It’s the third time we’ve met and we are doing this at least once each month this year. The idea is simple: get smart people together and share ideas because we believe that the real power of information comes when itRead… Read more »

Digital Era Adaptation in 2013: A Long and Winding Road

As the Digital Era progresses, technological capabilities continue to outstrip our capacity to address the opportunities and challenges they present. We may be more willing to move foward in 2013, but we’re not necessarily more able. In this post I reflect back on the changes that took place in 2012 and offer pragmatic thoughts forRead… Read more »

How to Make Your Organization Have a Winning Season in 2013 – And Make The Playoffs Year After Year!

With my favorite NFL team out of the playoffs this year – I’ve had plenty of time to contemplate what makes a winning team – and it’s not all about the coach (or firing the coach, like my team did this year.) When it comes down to it, making an organization and a football teamRead… Read more »

Is Your Business a “Benghazi”?

So by now most of you are aware of the incident that occurred at the US Embassy in Benghazi on September 11th 2012. An independent panel was established by the U.S. Government to further investigate how the attack occurred, how it was handled, and what can be done to prevent such future issues from takingRead… Read more »

How I Wound Up Working for Government

It was local government day and seniors from the local high school were invited to visit City Hall. Those students who took the field trip to City Hall were given a tour of all the City offices and then they had lunch with several members of the City Council. After lunch, they were invited toRead… Read more »

Inauguration is coming are you ready?: Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: As the world has become dependent on IT, so has the federal government. Leveraged effectively, technical tools can engage the public, create cost savings, and improve outcomes. These benefits are obscured by regular reminders that federal IT is fundamentally flawed. It is too big to succeed,” said Zachary Bastian. Find outRead… Read more »