Human Resources

5 Tips for Managing Millennials

This article was written by Logan Harper, community manager for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Government’s Masters of Public Administration program – a top online MPA. — Millennials are taking the workforce by storm. Generation Y, or millennials, as they are commonly called, are those born between 1976 and 2001.Read… Read more »

The New Work Force in the New Economy

The new workforce in the new economy is telework/telecommuting. The new workforce requires a different organizational structure and different management and leadership mindset and skills. I see the economy of the future will be more community based than currently. Are organizations ready for this transformation? I am prepared and really look forward to becoming aRead… Read more »

Trainers: Between the Rock and the Hard Place

Training can be misinterpreted by managers. It can be looked upon erroneously as the solution for a host of business productivity problems, and time or credit given reluctantly for attendance. Some managers see training as a way of moving forward. Some see cross training employees and enhancing professional skills of value only in times ofRead… Read more »

How to Make Telework Actually Work Government-wide

When the Telework Enhancement Act (TEA) became law in December 2010 proponents of working remotely had good reason to cheer. Yet today most telework programs at federal agencies still need further enhancement. Telework has been around the federal government in one form or another for at least a decade. Thus, agencies have already had plentyRead… Read more »

Obama Nominees are in for a fight – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: There is really no way around it – the federal workforce is getting smaller. Budget cuts and the potential sequestration are forcing the issue. So what does that mean for the acquisition workforce going forward? Who stays? Click here for the full recap. The first new appointments to the Obama administrationRead… Read more »

Specialized New Manager On-Boarding Delivers Success For The Manager And Organization

Well planned and implemented on-boarding specialized for new managers results in fewer mistakes and disruptions to workflow and reduces the time it takes to be fully productive. For newly hired managers any formal on-boarding process usually involves a one-size-fits-all organization-wide process and then the person to whom they report will develop an orientation to theRead… Read more »

The Federal Workforce is Going to be SMALLER – So who gets cut? Acquisition Workforce?

There is really no way around it – the federal workforce is getting smaller. Budget cuts and the potential sequestration are forcing the issue. So what does that mean for the acquisition workforce going forward? Who stays? Stan Soloway is the President and CEO of the Professional Services Council. His team has just completed theirRead… Read more »