Human Resources

3 Key Leadership Mistakes Government Employees Make That Leave Them Burned Out and Frustrated.

Mistake 1. Thinking that leadership is something you learn to do. Leadership is not something you “do,” it is something you “be.” In other words, leadership is not a series of required actions you take, rather it is the essence of who you are, the impact you have on those around you. You don’t “learn”Read… Read more »

Are budget cuts the real catalyst for Innovation?

Think about this; stability rarely breads innovation. Traditions and norms don’t generate creativity. So keeping that in mind, doesn’t it stand to reason, that severe budget cuts like the ones that the government is currently dealing with, could be the real catalyst for growth and innovation? That’s the hope of Alan Balutis. Balutis is seniorRead… Read more »

How to Train the Young of Today and Tomorrow

I never thought I’d admit to this, but I have discovered this, believe it or not, in the college English writing class that I teach. It is almost as if the students don’t have a real sense of the past. They cling to the here and now that technology is what makes life civilized andRead… Read more »

White House Petition Affecting Government Employees

I have created a petition on We The People aimed at allowing leave donated under Federal Leave-Share provisions to be considered tax deductible. The aim is to increase leave donated to increase Federal productivity by limiting use-or-lose leave, while increasing the amount of leave available for qualified leave-share recipients to use to cope with illness,Read… Read more »

Smile, Retiring Baby Boomers: You’re on Knowledge Capture Camera!

“Smile, you’re on Candid Camera.” It’s a phrase we all know – and I’ll bet more than one of us heard it over the holidays when someone snapped a pic or snagged a video of a special moment. Modern-day iterations of the popular television show include “The Jamie Kennedy Experiment”, Ashton Kutcher’s “Punk’d” and JohnRead… Read more »

The Turn

“Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts. The first part is called “The Pledge”. The magician shows you something ordinary: a deck of cards, a bird or a man. He shows you this object. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed real, unaltered, normal. But ofRead… Read more »

Female Athletes and Social Expectations

The 2012 Olympics were important for female athletes everywhere. For the first time since, well, ever, every nation competing fielded at least one female athlete. Which was great. Of course, we also had Hairgate, where Twitter users got their collective panties in a bunch because Gabby Douglas was more concerned with winning two gold medalsRead… Read more »