Human Resources

Career Thinking at 20+

I get asked a lot about career advice from 20 something folks inside and outside the government. Then my cousin Jay Saunders asked me, and it seemed worth the effort to share the basics that have seemed to help many younger colleagues… Read the rest at Innovation Excellence:

Leadership Today

My thoughts on leadership… Being a leader is about instilling trust in all those individuals you contact daily. Leadership is not inherent in each of us. We must educate ourself to ensure we are able to adapt to each individual’s need regards of their status within an organization. Show respect to gain respect. Show compassionRead… Read more »

You Can’t Fix the Restaurant Until you Fix the People…

This blog post was originally posted on Author: Mark Leheney The supervisor was in disbelief, then shock, then rage, and finally full-out sobbing as she heard the staff talk openly for the first time about what it was like to work for her. For many years, she had run the place, doing whatever sheRead… Read more »

Director of Innovate FDA Discusses Progress in Workforce Planning

We depend on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure that the medical innovations are safe and effective. Director of Innovate FDA and PEW Health Expert, Kathleen Stratton, has said, “FDA has a critical mission to promote and protect the public health and we should all care about their ability to do that.” ChrisRead… Read more »

Big Data for Workforce Diversity & EEO

Last week the U.S. Census Bureau released the long-awaited data rich Census 2010 EEO Tabulation. This is the closest thing to Big Data available for workforce diversity and equal employment opportunity (EEO). The tabulation is the most comprehensive and unique tool of its kind in assessing EEO nationwide based on a broad range of acuteRead… Read more »

Best Practices for Managing a Social Media Crisis: Requesting Social Media Panelists for a December 13 ACT-IAC Meeting

Hi All, We are looking for a couple of Social Media experts (working for a Federal Agency), for a panel that will be held on December 13, 2012. Here are some of the details: Title ACT IAC Human Capital SIG Monthly Meeting Location ICF International, 1725 Eye Street, NW, 1st Floor Conference Room Start TimeRead… Read more »

Set Your New Social Media Manager Up For Success

You wouldn’t hire Jonathan Ive and put him in a cubicle with an underpowered Lenovo laptop, would you? You wouldn’t sign Peyton Manning to run the triple-option offense, would you? You wouldn’t hire Tony Stark but tell him he’s not allowed using your tools, would you? Then why do organizations continue to hire social mediaRead… Read more »