Human Resources

POTUS Re-Election: 5 Key Issues for Feds

With the 2012 Presidential Election now behind us, a host of key issues affecting federal employees nationwide are once again front and center. Following is a post-election primer presenting a snapshot of five key issue areas for Feds during President Obama’s second term. To watch the President’s acceptance speech, click here. 1) Sequestration & FiscalRead… Read more »

Advice for Acing the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Application

In a previous post, I summarized the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s Class of 2013 PMF Assessment Prep Guide, excerpting key segments of their advice and embedding the document for your convenience. They’ve really put together an excellent resource there and I’m impressed overall with the work of the new group that’s leading the charge.Read… Read more »

Is Being a Fed A Thankless Job? Maybe Not. Time to Submit Your Sammies Nomination

Ok, let’s get real, you don’t go into a career as a federal worker for the glory and adulation. But sometimes toiling in an all too often thankless job can get tiring. And budget cuts aren’t helping. But that’s where the Partnership for Public Service’s Service to America Medals come into play. The annual awardsRead… Read more »

Leadership, Communications and Productivity are worth training too

One of the most focused on areas in technology organization training is a an overwhelming focus on competency area skill development. The focus is almost always on specific skill development in particular methodologies, technologies, best practices and other areas of specialization. This is an exceptional practice that should be encouraged. However, I think it isRead… Read more »

Performance Appraisals

Why do we use performance appraisals? It seems when we use these appraisals we are knocking “hard workers” down to nothing, kind of like a form of bullying to power play. If you don’t like that employee or if the employee had to testify against upper management, they can use your appraisals against you –Read… Read more »

Is Hurricane Sandy the Catalyst for Telework?

The Office of Personnel Management estimates that one-third of the almost 300,000 federal employees, including emergency staff in the DC metro area telework when government buildings are closed because of weather. That’s a huge increase from the 8% of federal employees who telework on a weekly basis. So could Hurricane Sandy and super storms likeRead… Read more »

3-Step Guide to Upgrading HR’s Role in Enterprise 2.0

By KyleLagunas Over the last few years, social and mobile technologies have proven to be powerful tools for sourcing and recruiting talent. More recently, we’re beginning to see consumer tech–social, in particular–being leveraged in other HR functions. But while research shows these next generation tools have the potential to improve communication and collaboration across theRead… Read more »

Want to Help Your Fellow Feds Devastated by Hurricane Sandy? Need Disaster Relief? Consider FEEA

With Hurricane Sandy bearing down on the East Coast, the Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund (FEEA) stands ready to assist civilian federal and postal employees impacted by the storm. Disaster grants of up to $500 will be available to employees in hard-hit areas experiencing verifiable hardship. Due to limited funding, FEEA will prioritize grantsRead… Read more »