Human Resources

Telework Calculator: See How Much Time, Money, and Greenhouse Gases You Could Be Saving!

What do you think of when you hear “telework”? You might be thinking pajamas, your favorite seat on your sofa, time near your cat, and homemade lunches, but as Christina Morrison points out in her interview with Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER, the benefits of teleworking go well beyond that list. Morrison is HP’s GovernmentRead… Read more »

Catching Up

It’s been a busy few months since my last post here. iFest happened. So did BIF-8. In the midst of that, there’s been a lot of travel and writing. This post will attempt to consolidate things that have been going on and are still to come this year. Writing I just got done with aRead… Read more »

Federal Focus: Disability Employment Awareness

In case you were unaware, October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, as designated by the Federal Government and recognized by state and local governments. Yet most savvy employers should already know by now that fostering workplace diversity and inclusion for all simply makes good business sense, especially in the 21st century. The business communityRead… Read more »

Amateur Hour at MWW…

It’s amateur hour at Monster Worldwide’s HQ and Sal Iannuzzi and the Sopranos have some damage control to do. While working at my computer Friday afternoon (3:45pm to be exact), an email flew across that my trade for the October PUTS executed. I was stunned! I had a “Good Till Cancel” trade for the OctoberRead… Read more »

Applying to the PMF Program: Does the Type of Degree You Received Matter?

Last week, the Robertson Foundation for Government and GovLoop launched – a new website and guide designed to assist potential applicants to the prestigious Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program. The program has expanded over time, including significant changes to the eligible requirements to ensure that the broadest possible number of prospects would consider applyingRead… Read more »

Why Are Presidential Debates Useful to Trainers

If I were grading political debates as I grade university debates, they would fail in general for lack of support. The biggest problems as I see in the recent Presidential debate were unsubstantiated facts and incredible paraphrasing that had to be rebutted just to make what the other candidate said clear and only somewhat truthful.Read… Read more »

How Long Should I Stay Here?

Each year, our organization hires a group of recent college graduates into our human resources intern program. The interns spend the next two years traveling throughout the Department learning the ins and outs of processing HR actions, the culture and a bit about themselves. The program culminates with graduation and an honest Q&A session withRead… Read more »

Too Many Direct Reports With Your Flat Organization Structure? Considerations To Lessen The Impact

With many organizations wanting to be lean and have a flat organization reporting structure, managers may become overwhelmed by the number of employees reporting directly to them; and have difficulty effectively managing their direct reports and the operations for which they are responsible. Before you start to change your organization structure (or give up onRead… Read more »

Security Clearance Application Tips for Millennials

Obtaining a security clearance can be a pain, but the career benefits are worth it. As someone in his or her twenties, putting together a security clearance package presents unique problems. It’s said that millennials are great at multi-tasking – their memories seem to be less clear, if you ask security clearance investigators, as manyRead… Read more »