Human Resources

Government Reform: Inspirations from Developing Countries (Part 5)

Several developing countries are making seemingly breathtaking progress in developing performance management frameworks from scratch. What can we learn from them? Today’s focus is on the commonalities in the performance management approaches used across four developing countries. The World Bank seminars this past Spring continue to have me mulling about the progress of the performanceRead… Read more »

The Federal Workforce: What Improvements Can We Make Now?

We are constantly hearing about how the polarization in Congress is making it impossible for anything to get accomplished. Are there any issues that can be not only agreed upon by our officials but also acted upon and implemented? The National Academy of Public Administration and the American Society for Public Administration came together onRead… Read more »

Do I Really Want to Work Here: What Are Your Diversity Practices Telling Me?

Have you ever walked into an organization and just got that “Uh, why does everyone look the same” feeling… I know I have. You may have heard the expression, people are like snowflakes, and no two are the same – that’s diversity folks. In today’s ever diverse business environment, for organizations to excel, they mustRead… Read more »

Do I Really Want to Work Here: What’s Your Culture Telling Me?

Have you ever walked into an organization and just got that “hum something just doesn’t feel right feeling”… I know I have (more times than I’d like to count). Many of us know from the first time we enter into an organization, whether as an employee or a consultant, that what they say is notRead… Read more »

What’s Your Leadership Style?

I’m sure this isn’t scientific, but I came across this leadership style quiz and had a go: My results: Your results indicate that your leadership style is predominately: Delegative Delegative Leadership Delegative leaders allow group members to make decisions. This style is best used in situations where the leader needs to rely on qualifiedRead… Read more »

State of IT Skills — From Myth to Reality

We are all acutely aware that the US is graduating fewer students with degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). For example, in 2009, the U.S. graduated 37,994 students with bachelor’s degrees in computer and information science — fewer than 25 years ago. What does that mean for the public sector? With set budgetsRead… Read more »

Visual Management

Honored that our book, Seeing is Believing, was favorably mentioned in the book Millenial Momentum by Morley Winograd and Mchael Hais, … Also, in the new book about the BYU Football program entitled, Running into the Wind: Bronco Mendenhall – 5 Strategies for Building a Successful Team, by Paul Gustavson and Alyson Von Feldt,Read… Read more »

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for a study of whistleblowing in the federal government

Good Morning! I am a doctoral student at Rutgers University and would like to interview current or former federal employees for my dissertation on whistleblowing in the federal government. I am interested in talking to people with either direct or indirect experiences of whistleblowing in their agencies, with a focus on organizational and personal factorsRead… Read more »