Human Resources

Skills Gap? Why unemployment remains high despite available jobs

12.5 million Americans are currently unemployed. But there are also a record number of jobs that need to be filled. What’s the disconnect? Bill Eggers is the Director of Public Sector Research for Deloitte. He’s compiled a new report that looks at the problem, “Brawn from Brains, Talent Policy and the Future of American Competitiveness.”Read… Read more »

Top Challenges for a Project Manager

Project management is an interesting area of study for government. On GovLoop, we have lots of great resources for project managers, we even have a great upcoming training for government employees during our Government Innovators Online Summit show on Thursday, here are the details: Project Management Survival Guide- 3:30-4:30PM EST Government is becoming more andRead… Read more »

How to give and receive feedback — it’s not as easy as you think

The dreaded 360 degree review — it’s the one time of year many of you get feedback from your leaders. But maybe that’s the problem? “It shouldn’t be a once or twice a year event,” said Tom Fox, “you need to give feedback in real time so that employees can actually alter their behavior.” FoxRead… Read more »

Panel Discussion at MicroPact 462 Conference: Social Media and EEO Policy

On Wednesday, I will be sitting on a panel for MicroPact’s 462 10th Annual Conference: The Changing Landscape on EEO in the Federal Workplace. Speaking at events like this are typically one of my favorite parts of my job – it’s always great to connect directly with government employees to really learn first hand aboutRead… Read more »

When your work family experiences the worst

Two weeks ago, my former association lost a long time employee after a rather short illness. He was just 57. He was very highly respected amongst his professional colleagues (of both political parties), his former colleagues, his high school friends, and pretty much anyone else who interacted with him. He was a social guy withRead… Read more »

Companies Favor Cleared Candidates

It won’t come as a surprise to most cleared professionals or hiring managers – despite improvements in clearance processing times, companies still prefer to hire already cleared candidates. This is good news for professionals who already have clearances, bad news for those who don’t or who are anticipating needing a higher-level clearance at some pointRead… Read more »