Human Resources

Article on Visual Management

Check out my new article on visual management posted at Eighteen years ago, I walked into an organization, took at quick look at its space and quickly realized that it had only one sign up anywhere. The sign was on a supervisor’s desk and said, “What part of ‘no’don’t you understand?” Recently, I walkedRead… Read more »

3 Pathways Job Openings

Looks like a number of Pathways & Recent Grads job openings are starting to make their way into USAJOBS Three I saw from last week: NASA Pathway Intern Program Census Visual Information – Recent Grads Army HR Specialist – Recent Grads Anyone see others? I’m glad to see this program starting to be rolled out.Read… Read more »

Government Needs to Go Open Source

Why is it so hard for government to look for resources that already exist? As someone who’s managed social media accounts for the government I understand the challenge. The inclination is still for the need to “own” and “create” rather than collaborate. Even when it comes to training videos or conference entertainment, there is noRead… Read more »

OPM Director Approves Federal Employees Day Session – as Training at Out & Equal Summit in Baltimore, MD

Out & Equal is hosting a one-day Federal Leadership Seminar on Monday, October 29, at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland. The goals of the seminar are to: bring together agencies to share best practices; provide training on how to implement best practices; create an opportunity to learn from government contractors; and incorporate globalRead… Read more »

Celebrating 77 Years of Social Security

Most of us are familiar with the program and see the FICA taxes taken out each pay stub to support Social Security and Medicare. So I’ll start with a quick program overview, and then what Social Security actually does for Americans. Hopefully you will learn something new. On August 14, 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt signedRead… Read more »

Helping Veterans Transition to Civilian Life

There are many resources available for veterans to help them transition back into civilian life. The Department of Defense Office of Warrior Care Policy has dozens of resources designed to help veterans returning from war. One post in particular, Wounded warriors and families encouraged to keep minds and bodies strong, utilize health resources states: “WithRead… Read more »

Facebook & Free Speech: Gov Workers Fired for Clicking “Like”

While most users of Facebook and similar social media sites may assume that all online activity is protected free speech, this might not always be the case — including for public sector employees. One recent judicial ruling, which has set off alarm bells among online free speech advocates, should cause govies to take notice sinceRead… Read more »