Human Resources

OPM rises in the Innovation Index — find out how they did it

The Office of Personnel Management has been making some real progress in terms on innovation. In fact they are the only agency to rise up the ranks of the Partnership for Public Service’s Innovation Index. (Listen to our interview with Tom Fox about the Innovation Index here.) But how did they do it? Matt CollierRead… Read more »

Three Keys to Tapping Cloud’s Potential in Government, Part 1: Innovate

Note: This is the first of a 3-part series on how Federal organizations can best exploit the potential of cloud computing in the Federal IT enterprise. The cloud is rapidly becoming the way to conduct the business of IT across the industry. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offerings are maturing – both internally and acrossRead… Read more »

asdfjklqweruiop; — Is the government getting better at writing plainly?

“I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead,” Mark Twain. Writing clearly and concisely is a challenge for anyone, but it’s been an even bigger challenge for the federal government — they are plagued with the dreaded Gov-Speak. But for the past two year’s they’ve been workingRead… Read more »

Should You Hire a Consultant for Workforce Planning Initiatives?

This is the sixth blog post in a series of blog posts and podcasts talking through the recent GovLoop Guide to Workforce Planning. Be sure to take a listen to the podcase below and view the guide. You can find more HR resources by visiting the GovLoop Guide to Workforce Planning Homepage. A workforce andRead… Read more »

What Recruiters Want: Their Top 10 Tips for Job Seekers

ClearanceJobs recently asked recruiters to send in their top tips for cleared job seekers. From resumes and interviews to career networking, here was their best advice: 1. Mind your resumeYou need a flawless resume. It’s hard to believe in this day and age of technology that I still see resumes with misspellings, formatting issues, andRead… Read more »

Leading Change in Government – Executive certificate course at Georgetown (Sept 25-27)

As a government executive, you often are tasked with leading change or achieving increased efficiency in your organization. Leading Change in Government, presented by Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business on Sept. 25-27, is designed exclusively for government executives and draws on the latest research to equip you with the specific skills and tools neededRead… Read more »

DOL webinar on Accessible Technology’s impact on Employment of People with Disabilities tomorrow at 2pm EST

Please Join us for and the AT Works Series on Accessible Technology’s impact on Employment of People with Cognitive and Developmental Disabilities The Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) in hosting a series of free webcasts and webinars this summer to explore the connection between emerging technologies and the employment of peopleRead… Read more »

3-part plan to improve innovation with the Federal CTO and is it possible to disconnect on vacation?

On today’s program Todd Park — he is the federal CTO – and might very well be the energizer bunny. The man has a lot of passion and excitement for the federal government. And he’ll tell us his three part plan to creating innovation. Click here for the full story. It’s summer and that meansRead… Read more »

The GovLoop Leadership Guide Companion (2 of 3): Transforming the Toughest Employees and Teams

The Series Welcome to the second of three posts intended to help you get the most out of GovLoop’s new leadership guide: 10 Traits of a Great Government Leader. Each of these posts covers a different theme and, taken together, cover all ten traits in the leadership guide. Our intent is to provide you withRead… Read more »