Human Resources

NextGen Attendees Learn Tips for Interacting With Congress

This breakout session was led by Kenneth Gold, Director of the Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown University. Dr, Gold shares has first-hand knowledge of how federal programs can more effectively plan, manage, and budget for those programs, and better represent those programs before Congress. Agencies Work With Congress For their Budgeting Every agency puts togetherRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Putting Public Service on the Market

This summer, Julie’s colleague Eric Erickson is writing the ‘Recruitment 411’ blog posts. Eric has worked for the federal government in Atlanta since 2002 — he’s held several different positions, each in communications. Real estate company ERA recently released a report on how to recruit more members of Generation Y. While their focus was onRead… Read more »

Work-Life Balance: Can Female Feds “HAVE IT ALL”?

Some media elites are beating the drum over whether today’s working women “can have it all“? — as they put it. That is, achieving a successful work life as a career professional and a fulfilling home life as a mother/spouse. Is mastering the socalled work-life balance too much to expect of women in the fastRead… Read more »

Fall Telework Town Hall Meeting – September 25, 2012

Telework Exchange is a great advocate for telework. They sponsor a free telework town hall meeting in the Spring and Fall. You can register for the Fall Town Hall meeting, and get the full agenda, at The cool thing about this conference (besides being free for Feds) is that there are two tracks –Read… Read more »

Fall Excellence in Government Conference – September 6 in DC

I received this e-mail yesterday and thought I’d share. I know that most of you are attending the NextGen conference, but for those who are not able to attend, this is also a great experience for DC area Feds and is sponsored by GovExec. You can request an invitation, by going to Excellence inRead… Read more »

10 Benefits of Executive Coaching

FCG has a variety of resources on their website, although the guide, The FCG Executive Coaching Guide, Steps for a Successful Coaching Partnership was published in 2002, there is a lot useful information, and shows how an executive coach can help improve performance within an agency. One section of the guide identifies that traditionally thereRead… Read more »

Identify and Prepare for Changes

Paul J. H. Schoemaker has a great article 9 Ways to See Change Coming. To master the art of anticipation, he recommends: Look for game changing information at the periphery of their business Search beyond the boundaries of current, prevailing views Recognize potential changes before the competition does Connect the dots of incipient trends byRead… Read more »

Student Loan Repayment Boosts Federal Workforce

Turns out, paying back student loans can result in more and better candidates for job openings within the federal workforce and better retention and satisfaction once they’re hired. As the No. 1 federal department in helping employees pay back their student loans, the Department of Defense cities the program designed for doing so as aRead… Read more »