Human Resources

Job Losses and the Effect on Innovation

As the Canadian Public Service navigates through the recent job cuts as part of the 2012 budget, I’ve written about different skills that will help any public servant through cutbacks including survival tips for those who survive the job losses and a call to truly think if the public service is the right career forRead… Read more »

A MILE Ahead

The irrepressible Dr. Mohamed Moustafa Mahmoud (a.k.a. “3M” to his many friends and business contacts) weaves a bracing mix of past and future and business insight into every ten-minute presentation. As I sat listening to 3M welcome a group of CEO’s from the likes of Siemens, the Ulker-Turkey conglomerate and Jordan’s Hikmah Pharma group toRead… Read more »

Recruiters, Be All That You Can Be

At the most recent recruitDC, I had the privilege to share with the recruiting community tips on how to incorporate veteran hiring into a recruiter’s mindset. The poignant beginning of this presentation was the opening by Colonel David Sutherland, former Special Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The local DC areaRead… Read more »

“Older” Job Seekers are Nabbing the Jobs!

Did you know according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the first quarter of 2012 shows that 788,000 people over 55 (67%) nabbed the jobs … compared to 385,000 new jobs for younger workers? Welcome news for older adults, but it could be they are taking jobs “beneath” their skill level and pay grade justRead… Read more »

Mobile and the Digital Gov’t Strategy, one fed works to end to bullying and the little black book of innovation

On Today’s Program: Does mobile government have a place in the new Digital Government Strategy? Yes, says Tom Suder the President of MobileGov. We’ll continue our series talking to the finalists for the Service to America Medal winners — the SAMMIES — we’ll talk to a fed who was bullied as a kid and sheRead… Read more »

2012 Feds Feed Families Campaign Begins on June 1, 2012 – Will You Help Those in Need?

The 2012 Feds Feed Families Food Drives, sponsored by the Office of Personnel Management and the Chief Human Capital Officers Council, will launch on June 1, 2012. There continues to be a need to feed the hungry accross the country, particularly in the summer months, when there are increased shortages in food banks and anRead… Read more »

6 Pitfalls to Workforce Planning: The Third Pitfall

We’ve talked about the first two pitfalls to Workforce Planning: Expecting HR to Own Workforce Planning; and Missing the Big Picture. Today, let’s talke about Pitfall No.3: Biting off more than your organization can chew. When properly characterized, Workforce Planning should be viewed as a living, breathing organism. What does that mean? It means thatRead… Read more »