Human Resources

Cybersecurity czar retires so what’s next? Insights from Karen Evans and Serving those who serve us — Warrior Foundation

On the program today for Tuesday May 22, 2012 Karen Evans, the OMB administrator for e-government and IT, talks about the departure of Howard Schmidt as the first White House cyber-security coordinator and we’ll talk about his replacement. We’re also going to start our series looking at groups that are helping Veterans — theRead… Read more »

On Listening

As toddlers, it’s one of the first things we learn how to do. Then we go off to Kindergarten and get years of practice. We listen to our teachers, our classmates, our music instructors, our coaches, and our clergy. We listen to our friends, neighbors, siblings, and teammates. Some of us even grow up listeningRead… Read more »

Flexibility Does Not Equal Results

Flexibility. Sounds good. What else reminds us of flexibility? Nimble? Agile? Then why does the word “flexibility” as it relates to work make me cringe? And why are there so many Human Resources professionals touting workplace flexibility? At its very basic level, flexibility sounds good. Employers want to give employees some work-life balance to increaseRead… Read more »

TSA destined to fail? Insights from former administrator Kip Hawley and why workplace culture is essential

 On today’s program for Monday May 21st, 2012
 The TSA is up against an almost impossible task — protecting more than 2 million travelers each day — but are they up for the task? We talk to the former TSA administrator Kip Hawley. To get the best talent — you need to match google,Read… Read more »

Like it or not, this is the workplace culture your organization is competing with

I came across 
this gem via
 Peter Stoyko’s blog; it’s the
 Valve employee handbook. Before I share my thoughts, here is what Peter had this to say about it:
 Behold: the employee-orientation manual of the future; except, I hasten to add, this manual is for an extremely successful company from the here and now, theRead… Read more »

How one Fed gets Americans out of danger overseas, Keeping your career morale and how Canada’s improving political dialogue

 On the program today for Thursday May 17, 2012

 When times are tough — there is a terrible situation overseas… Egypt, Syria, Haiti — we’re going to talk to the person who helps Americans get out of danger… and she is a SAMMIES finalist.
 Keeping your morale up as you focus on your careerRead… Read more »

Are New Controls on Conferences and Travel an Overreaction?

Government trainings are important. They provide valuable skills to government employees so that they can better do their jobs. However, since the GSA conference scandal, it’s been more difficult than ever for federal workers to justify conferences and trainings. Some of these controls are good, but some may be detrimental to the good work governmentRead… Read more »

Another Telework Driver: Freezing the Federal Footprint

In line with its mission to ensure the careful use of Federal funds, OMB issued guidance on 5/11/12 to Federal agencies that requires them to make more efficient use of existing government real estate — in effect, “freezing the Federal footprint.” In a roundabout way, this is good news for Telework fans. By requiring agenciesRead… Read more »

How A City of 65,000 Gets By With Only 9 Employees

Weston Florida is an affluent suburb 25 miles northwest of Miami. When Weston was incorporated in 1996, its residents approved a charter that states the city must use contractors as opposed to city employees to perform traditional government services, unless four out of five councilmembers vote to make an exception. As a Governing article reportsRead… Read more »