Human Resources

What the Sale of GTSI means for IT Contracting, Why Video makes changes Telework and A Virtual Tour of the Newseum

On Today’s Show for Tuesday May 8th, 2012 GTSI — the company has been a staple of government IT contracting… and it has now been bought. Insights and analysis about what happened and what it means from Nick Wakeman of Washington Technology. Could Video be the key to telework success? Maybe yes. Find out why.Read… Read more »

Highlights from 2012 Public Service Recognition Week Public Service Town Hall

This morning I attended the Public Service Recognition Week Public Service Town Hall, put on by the Partnership for Public Service. It was a “Public Employees Roundtable and federal agency leaders for a town hall discussion about what agencies are doing to deliver vital public services at a lower cost, how to communicate that valueRead… Read more »

Digital Era Competencies: How Do You Stack Up?

Do you have the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for success in the Digital Era? Regardless of the sector you work in, your professional discipline, your place in the organizational hierarchy – and to some extent your career stage – there is a core set of competencies necessary to effectively leverage new technologies to achieveRead… Read more »

It’s Public Service Recognition Week — your Cabinet Secretary says so.

As a public service people person, it’s my favorite time of year. If you’re like me, you hardly ever stop for a minute to think about every local, state, and federal employee whose passion it is to wake up every day to serve his/her fellow citizens. 
We may be federal/state/local employees ourselves, but we oughtRead… Read more »

A preview of the SAMMIES — the Oscars for Feds, An In-Depth look at a Previous Winner and the Newseum’s New Media Gallery

A preview of the SAMMIES, A look at a Previous Winner and the Newseum’s Gallery by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Monday May 7th, 2012: The nominees are in for the Oscars for Federal Employees — The Service to America Medals award. Turning garbage into energy at the EPA — just one of theRead… Read more »

Job Security vs. Job Satisfaction?

An interesting, if not obvious, article came across my RSS reader today: From “Pay and Hiring Freezes Leave Their Mark“ In a survey of 40 federal information executives by TechAmerica and Grant Thornton, 70 percent of respondents said the current two year across-the-board freeze on federal pay and hiring freezes have had an impact onRead… Read more »

MYTHS & FACTS: Federal Sector EEO Process

Background: Some recent commentary and conjecture have taken aim at the federal sector equal employment opportunity (EEO) complaint process. Following are facts to aid in demystifying the “myths”: MYTH: Discrimination is found in less than 2 percent of EEO complaints. FACT: Discrimination may occur in up to 33 percent of EEO cases. The 2-3 percentRead… Read more »