Human Resources

Your TED Talk – Speak at Next Generation Training Summit

Are you working on an innovative project at your agency? Got a great idea to revolutionize government? Then you should enter to become one of our three lightning speakers at the 2012 Next Generation of Government Training Summit – the leading training event for Gen X/Y government leaders, hosted by GovLoop and YGL. This isRead… Read more »

Job Fairs Are Great PR For Politicians But Ineffective Otherwise Part 2

A few months ago I wrote a post about a Job Fair sponsored by Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown titled Job Fairs Are Great PR For Politicians But Ineffective Otherwise. The Buffalo News recently ran a follow-up article regarding the City of Buffalo Job Fair. While Mayor Brown hyped the fact that 1,500 “good-paying” jobs wereRead… Read more »

Battling back from a Gov’t PR nightmare and a New Tool makes Twitter easier to use

Battling back from a Gov’t PR nightmare and a New Tool makes Twitter easier to use by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Thursday April 26, 2012 It’s been one of the worst weeks ever for public servants. Advice on how to be a good leader from the Partnership for Public Service. TwitChimp — theRead… Read more »

How Much Time Does a Recruiter Spend Looking at a Resume?

In the last few weeks there has been a lot of discussion in the recruiting world about a studythat reviewed recruiters’ resume scanning behavior. The recruiters in the study self-reported that they spent up to four to five minutes reviewing a resume. However the study found something very different — an average of six secondsRead… Read more »

Are young government workers recognized enough? What are we doing to bring in new talent?

Over the past 20 years, there have been many great and successful Public Service Recognition Week events, both in the DC area and around the country. But none have focused on students, recent graduates, and young government workers. At the same time, among all the calls for more efficient (or even smaller) government, there hasRead… Read more »

Federal Conference on Diversity: The 10 lenses of cultural identity

When it comes to really fostering diversity at an organization, the old frameworks just don’t cut it anymore. New approaches are needed. That according to author Mark Williams, who used humor and wit to get his message about the 10 lenses of cultural diversity across at today’s Federal Conference on Diversity. Demographics – age, gender,Read… Read more »

Federal Conference on Diversity: Real commitment is key for change

Why are we still asking the same questions and exploring the same issues? What needs to be different? This is how Sharon Fitzpatrick opened her discussion, “Diversity and Inclusion”, during today’s Federal Conference on Diversity. “We have the wrong conversations about the right things – lack of commitment, unwillingness for change, lack of resources,” sheRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Would More Female Agents have Discouraged Cartagena Shenanigans?

Can a lack of workforce diversity lead to on-the-job shenanigans? That’s the question the Washington Post asked in regards to the Secret Service prostitution scandal, and how few women are employed as special agents. Only 11% of special agents are women; some Congresswomen think this lack of diversity could have contributed to the poor decisionsRead… Read more »

Winning the Hearts and Minds of Government Employees

Here is part of an article I wrote on the above topic: There are many things that management can do which will enable the top 10% to prevail, and more importantly, transform the employees into a workforce that is committed, not merely compliant. However, given the space limitations of this column, I’m going to focusRead… Read more »