Human Resources

RSVP Today for 5/15 Re-Imagining Customer Service Roundtable

Please join GovLoop at our next GovLoop Conversations Event on May 15th as we explore ways to improve customer service in government, share best practices and avoid common roadblocks. To register for this event, please follow this link. We hope you’ll join us! On May 15th at The Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government Roundtable (RegisterRead… Read more »

SUSOPS Project Blog #3: The Silver Lining of a Cloud-Based Conference: Financial and Expanded Benefits of the Virtual Meeting

By Lance Simon and Judith Nielsen In February, 2012, the United States Forest Service held a hybrid conference that was 96% remote, 4% on-site and 100% successful. It saved the Agency almost a million dollars in costs, doubled attendance rates, helped it “walk its talk” by saving hundreds of metric tons of CO2 emissions,Read… Read more »

Yes, ROWE Works

Results-Only Work Environment. It’s simple, yet brilliant. At the same time, there are people who don’t get it. Some think ROWE means Remote-Only Work Environment. And that is far from what it is. Focusing on results means that people will be where they need to be to achieve their outcome. Sometimes that may be atRead… Read more »

Influence-Ability: Being The Leader People Want to Follow

Shawn, HR Manager, recently was chosen to lead a special project to streamline all HR processes. Members of the project team include fellow managers throughout the company, including two managers in remote locations. “This project is a nightmare,” Shawn complained. “My team members ignore my e-mails. They ‘forget’ team meetings, or, worse still, they comeRead… Read more »

Top 5 Traits of a Great Infographic

Infographics have become an extremely powerful way for government agencies to quickly and efficiently synthesize complex data for citizens. In terms of data, you typically have people in two camps – the folks who want to see the raw data file and manipulate data accordingly and then the people who want to find information quicklyRead… Read more »

Part-Time Retirement Gaining Momentum?

H.R. 4363 proposes to allow Federal employees to “phase into retirement” by continuing their public service, working up to 20 hours per week while receiving a partial annuity. Phased retirees would come from the Feds’ pool of retirement-eligibles who have worked full-time for at least 3-years immediately prior to entering into phased retirement status. ForRead… Read more »

An Improving Economy Could Mean Loss of Employees. Will They Stay or Will They Go?

When accounting for the costs (both real costs, such as time taken to select and recruit a replacement, and also opportunity costs, such as lost productivity), the cost of employee turnover to organizations has been estimated to be up to 150% of the employees’ remuneration package. In the case of the public sector can, orRead… Read more »

Snip-Snip … More Pay & Benefits Cuts

Posted in the 4/17/2012 edition of FedSmith, Ian Smith shared the Senate’s Budget Committee’s plan. Speaking on the plan, the committee chairman said he would “begin a Budget Committee markup of a long-term budget for the nation. As my Chairman’s Mark, I will lay down the bipartisan Fiscal Commission plan, also known as the Bowles-SimpsonRead… Read more »