Human Resources

100 Power Words for Your Resume

RedStarResume produced a list of Power Words they claim “will increase your chances of getting hired by 80%!” While I can’t attest to this claim, their list is full of action verbs that help writers paint an excellent verbal picture of their work experience; this makes it a LOT easier for those who read resumesRead… Read more »

Presidential Proclamation – National Volunteer Week (April 15-21, 2012)

April 9, 2012 –President Obama issued his annual Presidential Proclamation for National Volunteer Week. The President declared that, ” Service is a lifelong pursuit that strengthens the civic and economic fabric of our Nation. With every hour and every act, our lives are made richer, our communities are drawn closer, and our country is forgedRead… Read more »

What is the STOCK Act? Why are SESers up in arms?

We are hearing a LOT of concern out there about the STOCK Act— the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act. This is the bill –– now law — designed to deal with lawmakers using an insider scoop from making money off of that information. Essentially, it makes insider trading by lawmakers illegal, which is aRead… Read more »

Scandalous! Okay, But this Guy is Talented and Has a Future

Ralph Smith is the president and a co-founder of Sign up for the free daily email newsletterto get the latest news affecting federal employees. This article originally appeared on The General Services Administration (GSA) has been getting rammed with negative publicity around the country. It isn’t the kind of publicity that anyRead… Read more »

Human Resources: Partner or Red Tape?

At a neighborhood party, someone asked me what I did for a living. I told them I was a Human Resources professional. If looks could kill, I wouldn’t be writing this blog right now. J There are definitely strong opinions about HR in general. And, for good reason. It seems people can always share theirRead… Read more »

Fighting Cyber Crime with Transparency

Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in The Atlantic Council’s Young Professionals in Cyber Policy discussion with thinkers from industry, academia, think tanks, and policy. After speaking with Karl Grindal of the Cyber Conflict Studies Association, I realized that part of the reason for the current insecurity and high criminality in cyberspace is gameRead… Read more »

Join Our Research Study: Can Government Create Great Customer Service?

Take 5 minutes and help us, help you. Take the GovLoop Customer Service in Government Survey. Survey Link I’m conducting a research study on “Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government.” Our study hopes to understand current trends in government customer service and opportunities for improvement.The results of this survey will be used to create a GovLoopRead… Read more »