Human Resources

It’s Not Just About Escaping the Office

One reason the word “telework” seems inadequate to describe how we want to change the workplace is that it suggests that our focus is only on how people can be effective when they work at home. But that’s not really what it’s all about. The Workplace of the Future is about people working where, when,Read… Read more »

Take STOCK to the Bank?

A GovExec article published April 4th, announced a set of “new financial disclosure requirements” enacted to prevent insider trading by members of Congress and top executive branch officials. According to the STOCK Act, each Member of Congress or employee of Congress owes a duty to the Congress, the United States Government, and the citizens ofRead… Read more »

Using BHAG’s to Change Organizations: A Management, Open Data & Government Mashup

I’m a big believer in the ancillary benefits of a single big goal. Set a goal that has one clear objective, but as a result a bunch of other things have to change as well. So one of my favourite Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAG) for an organization is to go paperless. I like theRead… Read more »

FOSE: Federal government works to detect and prevent insider threats

Could Wikileaks ever happen again? Many federal agencies and departments are currently worried about insider threats – disgruntled employees leaking sensitive information to the general public. Last October, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order 13587, which directs agency and department heads to take responsibility for protecting and properly sharing classified information. Among other initiatives, thisRead… Read more »

City of Bellevue, WA – Chief Communications Officer – Job Opportunity

Salary: $84,804 – $117,036/Annually Apply on-line at not later than: April 20, 2012 General InformationThe City of Bellevue, WA is currently recruiting for a seasoned communications professional to develop and execute communication plans, branding initiatives, and public relation strategies for the City that positively shift perceptions and land appropriate messages to the right audiencesRead… Read more »

How Does Contracting Impact Human Capital Within Your Agency?

Recently I read a memo written by Peter Orszar, former Director of the Office of Budget and Management. In the memo, Orszag has identified that the goal for government is to find the optimal mix of public and private resources to deliver the highest level of service to citizens. He also cautions that an overrelianceRead… Read more »