Human Resources

HUD IT modernization efforts needs contractors of all sizes

From the Washington Business Journal: The Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Stan Buch outlined the agency’s effort at modernization and adopting new technologies at a Deltek Inc. Deltek Inc. Latest from The Business Journals Deltek co-founder dies at 80Pay for performance? A procurement model tied to outcomes is pitched by iGate Corp., but challengesRead… Read more »

Risk management coming into focus for law enforcement

Law enforcement officials maintain a delicate relationship with the communities they protect. They must ensure the safety of citizens while also acting as a force for justice. As communities and law enforcement activities become more complex, officials are seeking out new ways to handle relationship management and avoid risk. CivSource spoke with Captain Mark LongRead… Read more »

On Becoming an IT Solution Architect – 5 Critical Practices

The Information Technology (IT) inventory of HR role and position labels is broad and deep. IT position descriptions may be closely associated with actual black box technology (like “Microsft Windows Server 2008 Administrator” or “Storage Area Network (SAN) Engineer”), or they may describe roles in a methodology-driven context required for IT success (“IT Project Manager”,Read… Read more »

Password Please

At the beginning of the month, I wrote a blog about how a study showed that Facebook may just be a reliable assessment tool for recruiters. It sparked a conversation about whether employers should be using Facebook to screen applicants. Flash forward a couple of weeks, and stories about job seekers being asked for FacebookRead… Read more »

Cyberwar – hype or reality? The end of CSIOs? and the future of Virtual Worlds

Cyberwar – hype or reality? The end of CSIOs? and the future of Virtual Worlds by GovLoop Insights On today’s show Monday March 26, 2012. It’s a busy week for the DorobekINIDER… Wednesday is Federal Computer Week’s annual Fed 100 Awards gala… some really remarkable winners this year. Here’s the link to the full list.Read… Read more »

The Case for Teleworking

Teleworking is becoming an increasingly popular way of working for many people. The convenience of wearing pajamas while working aside, the home often offers freedom, privacy and a distraction free environment which lends itself to a more productive and functional workplace than the traditional cubicle office. For employees, teleworking offers reduced commute times and reducedRead… Read more »

Is your Chief Security Information Officer really necessary?

Is your Chief Security Information Officer really necessary? That’s the questions being posed by some state and local governments who are looking for ways to cut budgets and save costs. Hord Tipton is the executive director at ISC2. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER show that the CSIO’s duties are in large part beingRead… Read more »

Reviews: Check the Box or Meaningful?

As a Human Resources professional, I have seen countless review forms in my career. Some good, some bad. Regardless, are they helpful? Some organizations have a culture that promotes reviews as a “check the box” to stop the HR person from hassling them over turning in their reviews. I worked at one organization where IRead… Read more »


Colleagues, Like many of you, I’ve been following the news, reactions and comments about the recent murder of Trevon Martin, the Florida teen who was murderdered while walking in the “wrong” neighborhood at the “wrong” time. While I have no particular agenda (I’m a single white male baby boomer), I can’t help but weep forRead… Read more »