Human Resources

United States Congress Permanent Joint Committee on Information Technology

The United States Congress Permanent Joint Committee on Information Technology does not exist, yet. But a growing group of national security and technology thinkers are considering the pros and cons of a Joint Committee like this and with this post I would like to encourage you to think through the concept yourself. First, some backgroundRead… Read more »

Mil to Fed: Update your Veteran status

It’s springtime! Time to refresh and rejuvenate your Veteran status! You may not be recognized for your service to your country if you have an incorrect Veteran Status. If you are not sure, check with your employment or personnel office to make sure you have the status you’ve earned. There are four different types ofRead… Read more »

The Golden Rule of Government

Premise #1: Government exists to solve collective problems with greater efficiency and effectiveness than is possible by any one citizen acting alone. Premise #2: Citizens generally do not have an ability to opt-out of their government due to practical considerations like jobs, family, property ownership, and immigration restrictions. Premise #3: Public servants accept, on someRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Interesting Insights from Interns – Part 4

This is the fourth part of our series exploring a few of our interns’ views on life as a govie. Let’s be honest, these days telling people you work for the government can result in interesting and often blunt responses. When I tell people I work at the IRS, nine times out of ten, IRead… Read more »

Bullying in the Workplace and Making Mobility Work

Bullying in the Workplace and Making Mobility Work by GovLoop Insights Happy Wednesday March 21st 2012… So much to get to today!!! Happy Wednesday… SO much to get to today. On Tuesday, the House Republicans unveiled their version of the fiscal 2013 budget. There is a lot of stuff in there, as you might imagine.Read… Read more »

National Social Work Month – IT failures

Deltek Senior Analyst Kate Tussey reports. As Deltek continues recognizing National Social Work Month, we also have to acknowledge some of the IT failures plaguing the human services arena. When these health and social services systems are unsuccessful, you can be sure the issue will be splashed across the next day’s headlines. Failed IT systemsRead… Read more »

Are You Collaborating for Survival and Success?

Given the turbulent and changing times facing government organizations, it seems that trying to go it alone no longer makes sense but can result in serious downside risks to long-term survival. We all have to learn how to work smarter within the reality of ever declining resources. The importance of collaboration is more apparent thanRead… Read more »

Themes from the Federal Mentoring Roundtable

I had a great time last week at the Federal Mentoring Roundtable. It was such a pleasure to see some old friends and to meet new faces. One of the things I enjoy most about attending events like this is getting to hear all the different situations people are encountering. As I was reflecting onRead… Read more »

How to Not Get Fired Using Facebook at Work: The Writing’s on the (Wrong) Wall

Last year, a couple colleagues and I put together a workshop (full slides below) entitled, “How to Use Social Media and Not Jeopardize Your Job.” I delivered a variation of it at the Philadelphia Federal Executive Board’s EEO and Diversity Day back in November. During the workshop, participants break into small groups to grapple withRead… Read more »