Human Resources

Are You a Mentor or an Egocentrist?

A government-wide emphasis on passing along knowledge from one generation of federal workers to the next was underscored last week when the Senate passed legislation that includes a plan for Feds to work part time while mentoring newer hires and easing into retirement. Even OPM Chief John Berry was mentored early in his career andRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Interesting Insights from Interns – Part 3

This is the third part of our series exploring a few of our interns’ views on life as a govie. We’ve all been in those training classes where the instructor challenges us to channel our creative thinking, pauses for moment, and then asks the dreaded desert island question. As in, if you were trapped onRead… Read more »

Is This Coming Your Way? and the National Debt Crisis

Starting in 2013 newly hired FERS employee’s retirement contributions will increase from .8 percent to 3.1 percent of salary. Originally this was intended to apply to all FERS employees. There is another vote pending in the house that proposes increasing all employees’ contributions by 1.5 percent that will be phased in over a three yearRead… Read more »

One of the Hottest Recruiting Networking and Education Events is Almost Sold Out!

A few years ago a colleague I had met through social media asked me to be part of an initial group of recruiters who were putting on an event here in DC. The event was to be geared for recruiters by recruiters talking about the challenges here in the Washington DC area. Many of usRead… Read more »

The Parks and Rec Effect

I’m quoted in this AOL Government article on citizen participation. The story makes the point that you can have a much bigger impact in your community than at the federal level. I’ve seen that in DC (the city, not the metaphor), where local issues are frequently debated to death. For example, the ten-year long struggleRead… Read more »

Burn-in, Burnout, and Workplace Griefbusting: Part I: Discovering Connections among, Loss, Grief, and Ghosts

[If you do not wish to receive my free writings, email [email protected]] Agenda: 1) Link to an Internet Radio Interview with the Stress Doc Click here: The Stress Doc Mark Gorkin MSW LICSW 03/09 by H2O Netwo | Blog Talk Radio or and 2) New essay: Burn-in, Burnout, and Workplace Griefbusting: Part I DiscoveringRead… Read more »

Meta-Culture’s Ashok Panikkar available to give workshops/speeches in U.S.

A garment worker in India, who is working in an urban factory, thinks “I’ve moved to the city to work here and earn a living for my family, and now I can’t survive on these wages.” The worker’s employer, a garment manufacturer, thinks, “I’m getting pinched by my buyer. My profit margins are absurdly thinRead… Read more »