Human Resources

Governmentwide Mentors Pilot Program: 60 Unique Agencies, 92% Cross-Government Pairings

Yesterday, I had the chance to present at the Federal Mentoring Roundtable. Back in the fall, I blogged a bit about the results of our pilot. Here’s a more comprehensive view of it, including a few of the more interesting demographic details, agencies represented, etc: GovLoop Mentors Program – Federal Mentoring Roundtable View more presentationsRead… Read more »

Let your People Services/HR team know – LinkedIn reaches three million Australian members

LinkedIn has just announced to members that it has reached three million Australian members, slightly over 10% of the population and roughly 30% of our working population. I hope People Services and Human Resources people across government are beginning to recognise the potential of the service for reaching professional people as potential hires and toRead… Read more »

NLC leaders call for more focus on job growth

The National League of Cities (NLC) wraps up its annual congressional conference today after three days of meetings with municipal officials, members of congress and the President discussing issues facing cities and how to support America’s economy. NLC leaders called on the President to do more to support job growth in America. NLC leaders highlightedRead… Read more »

Using Deliberative Methods to Engage the Public; Webinar Invitation – April 19, 2012

From the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: “The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) invites you and your colleagues to participate in a webinar to learn about how to design and implement an effective deliberative session to explore the views of patients, consumers, or other members of the community on challenging public problemsRead… Read more »

Preventing The Miserable Workplace

Have you ever voted with your feet? Voting with your feet means you’ve left a job because you were absolutely miserable doing the work. You weren’t challenged by the work, you felt you were just a cog in a wheel, and no one really knew you for who you were, just the jobs that youRead… Read more »

What Does Accountability Mean?

You may have guessed that in a Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE) the focus is on results. Not time, not physical presence. Once you have identified the results and performance expectations, accountability comes next. What does Accountability look like in a ROWE? What does Accountability look like for government? As a Human Resources professional with almostRead… Read more »

Succession Planning is NOT a Buzzword!

Yesterday a colleague shared performance and training data with me that truly illustrates just how ill-prepared we are for Workforce 2020. Here are a few realities from that data: Thanks to tight budgets and retirement incentives, the Feds have lost a vast amount of seasoned talent over the past 5 years. Although we have doneRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Interesting Insights from Interns – Part 1

Every year the IRS manages to land some interns who rock. Some are only with us for a few months and then move on. Others start out as interns and join us full-time after graduation. No matter how long they’re here, they always seem to have interesting and sometimes amusing observations of what it’s likeRead… Read more »

What Are the Top 10 Traits of an Ideal Mentor? How About a Mentee?

This past Friday night, GovLoop kicked off the Spring 2012 Mentors Program. As part of the orientation session, we asked participants to break into small groups and identify attributes of the ideal mentor and mentees. Here’s what the group (including participants who chimed in by live chat) identified as the top 10 traits for each:Read… Read more »

Tired of Sneak Attacks?

Buried in the Senate Highway Bill (Amendment #1826 to S.1813) is a sneak attempt to extend the Pay Freeze imposed on Federal employees for yet another year! Surprised? According to it’s author, Senator Pat Roberts, “This amendment includes a special deficit reduction trust fund … <that> would contain the savings from the energy production incentives,Read… Read more »