Human Resources

How Organizations Could Be More Successful – (Part Three of How Organizations Fail)

To understand how organizations can succeed, let’s briefly recap the lessons from the first two parts of this series on organizational failure. Part One –Framework for Analyzing Organizational Failure1) Every decision has unintended consequences for the future – latent conditions.2) Leaders often make decisions without a thorough analysis of the effects of their decisions.3) EmployeesRead… Read more »

Addressing Austerity – What should you as a public servant do?

Social Connect via: For public servants across the world and more specifically in Canada, austerity measures being introduced by their governments represent a threat to their livelihood. Public service has traditionally been viewed as a cushy, secure job with wonderful benefits. Public service is not the most well paid job but the job security andRead… Read more »

Social Media in Government Reading Discussion: Clay Shirky’s “Cognitive Surplus”

This week, we read Clay Shirky’s Cognitive Surplus Why I assigned this book There are a few different kinds of value that government agencies can wring from social media. The first is simply to use it as a venue for engaging citizens. Another is to listen to citizens as they talk to one another. StillRead… Read more »

All About Clarity

Performance Management has been part of many workplace discussions for several years now. But many people—managers and employees alike—still don’t understand what it is and how it can help everyone. At its most basic, performance management is all about clarity: clear expectations about both performance and on-the-job conduct or behavior.And while it can take timeRead… Read more »

Live! From New York! It’s Jobs Friday! (Job growth has spread to more of the nation’s large metro areas)

The Wally Street Journal reports: “Wall Street, Washington and Main Street are all aligned on one thing: Jobs” “One reason for optimism is that job growth has spread to more of the nation’s largest metro areas—divisions bigger than cities that can include several counties. According to data from the government and Moody’s Analytics, 82 ofRead… Read more »

Roth TSP Contributions…Are They Right For You?

This May the Thrift Savings Plan is launching a new investment option that provides more flexibility for TSP participants. Federal employees and military members will be able to allocate their contributions between a Roth and the traditional plan shortly. The flexibility is in the tax treatment of the employee’s contributions and it may be beneficialRead… Read more »

Mark your Calendars: The EEOC Executive Leadership Conference is only two months away!

EEOC Executive Leadership ConferenceHyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay, Cambridge, MarylandMay 15 – 17, 2012 Early Bird Registration Fee: $995 (Available until March 15, 2012) The EEOC Executive Leadership Conference (ELC) is designed to meet the professional development needs of senior leaders in the EEO field. The ELC was developed by the EEOC to help ensure EEORead… Read more »

Is Telework a Critical Benefit?

As someone who teleworks full-time and considers it a non-negotiable benefit, it’s a topic near and dear to my heart. Across government it would seem the tide is shifting in favor of telework, yet many employees still find barriers from management perception to lengthy delays in implementation. What about you – is telework a benefitRead… Read more »