Human Resources

Political law links for Thurs., March 1

PAC CONFERENCE. From some of the Facebook photos, it looks like the Public Affairs Council’s National PAC Conference was a raving success. HIGHWAY BILL LOBBYING. Roll Call. SNOWE TO K ST.? The Hill. “Retiring Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) would move toward the top of K Street’s recruiting class if she decided to become a lobbyistRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Union Compiles List of Bills Targeting Federal Employee Wages and Benefits

There’s been a lot of talk lately on GovLoop about potential federal pay freezes, employee reductions, and increases in the amount workers must pay into retirement funds. To increase awareness about the proposals, the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) has compiled a list of bills aimed at accomplishing the goals listed above. According to theRead… Read more »

Implementing An Organizational Realignment – Useful Guidelines

With any organizational realignment or restructuring the challenge and real work is in the gritty day-to-day details of implementation. There are a lot issues and risks to identify, address and manage. Realignment can be as small as rearranging a few positions and responsibilities or a major realignment of major divisions, along with changes to theirRead… Read more »

Want to join the SES? Keep reading.

In a report published this morning, the non-profit, non-partisan Partnership for Public Service and McKinsey & Co. call out major obstacles and key recommendations about how “executive mobility increases the government’s ability to fulfill cross-agency missions.” In other words, the cross-fertilization of top talent from office to office, agency to agency, or even sector toRead… Read more »

Job Oportunities for Federal Retirees Abound

Numerous job opportunities are available for federal retirees in all occupations and skills. Retirees enjoy working full or part time for many reasons; social, financial, and to stay active. Others with specialized skills, or security clearances will find lucrative consulting and temp jobs awaiting them if they know where to look. If you are collectingRead… Read more »

Utilizing Integrity Officers To Address Ethical Concerns

Thirty-five City of Philadelphia employees volunteer as Integrity Officers serving as an ethics resource for fellow employees and to assist with ethics investigations. Every city department has such an officer, and anyone who has information on illegal or inappropriate behavior can turn to them. According to Philadelphia Inspector General Amy Kurland the Integrity Officers “…Read… Read more »

Workplace socialisation in the Public Service

In the course of examining data from the current Australian Public ServiceState of the Service of the Service Report the previous report. It contains an interesting chart showing employee satisfaction or engagement by length of service in the APS (see at the end of this post). What is interesting is the reduction in engagement overRead… Read more »

Career Management: What is Your Path?

At the most recent AFCEA Bethesda 2013 Federal Budget Review, the theme was “Doing More with Less”. The new Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel shared his plans for the Federal IT Budget followed by a panel of distinguished federal agency CIOs discussing the IT Budget in depth. But whenever we hear about flat budgets or doingRead… Read more »