Human Resources

Grieving the Sudden Death of a Beloved Mentor, Manager, and “Man for All Seasons”: The Personal and Transpersonal Art of Keeping a Spirit Alive

My Grief Intervention work continues. I believe there is much to learn being with people whose world has been tragically turned upside down. I hope I have done justice to their pain and plight. Of course, if I can help you deal with personal or organizational loss, through on-site grief intervention, workshops, or retreats onRead… Read more »

Austerity and Innovation: (For/N)ever the Two Shall Meet?

In a recent GovernmentExecutive – Management Matters article, Jeffrey Neal makes a simple (in theory) yet revolutionary (in practice) argument: in this time budget restrictions and making more happen with less resources, leaders are in a perfect position to create innovation in their agencies. On all levels, innovative thinking can create major cost savings: fromRead… Read more »

New Feature: Kathleen’s Reading Summary

Reading is fundamental and we are all bombarded with email newsletters, RSS feeds and the ever present forwarded email from a colleague or, worse, a supervisor. Yet, if we don’t look at new sources of information from time to time, I believe we will not learn anything new and may get stuck within our sameRead… Read more »

Important News About Your CWS, RDO, AWS, Annual and Sick Leave

It’s all a bunch of BS! When’s the last time you sat down with your team to discuss how to make better use of your team’s unique set of capabilities and strengths? Chances are, if you took stock, you’d find that some people work best at night, others in the morning, some on the weekendsRead… Read more »

Can I Show You My Injury?

As an HR professional, I cannot tell you how many times over the years I heard “Can I show you my injury?” Someone was injured at work or home and the doctor’s note wasn’t quite enough. They wanted to come into my office to SHOW me their stitches, bruises, and cuts to their body. IRead… Read more »

GovLoop Mentors Program: Spring 2012 Top 100 Mentee Finalists

Congratulations to the GovLoop Mentors Program Finalists! As many of you know, the GovLoop Mentors Program is a first-of-its-kind, government-wide initiative that connects public sector professionals across agencies and at every level (federal, state and local). This free program responds to the unprecedented need for effective knowledge transfer and leadership development throughout government. The SpringRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Most Fed Make Six-Figure Salaries – Fact or Fiction?

As union leaders are preparing to defend federal workers against paying more for their pensions to “help pay down the deficit and extend payroll tax cuts and unemployment benefits,” they are trying to prove that federal works represent “the typical middle America of this country.” But are they? Fiscal conservatives and Republicans often claim thatRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Millions of tax-payer dollars saved by Oregon’s use of video-conferencing

As the number of agencies and businesses choosing to host video-conferences rather than in-person meetings grows, so do the savings, as well as the environmental benefits. Oregon has been boosting its video-conference efforts, and has a lot to boast about regarding the benefits of the conferences. In total, it’s estimated that Oregon has saved $2Read… Read more »


Jacqueline Simon, Public Policy Director at the American Federation of Government Employees, has written a detailed rebuke of the recent Congressional Budget Office study comparing the compensation of federal and private-sector employees. It’s a must-read. American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO CBO Study of Federal vs. Private Sector Pay Compensation – Many Flaws in AnalysisRead… Read more »