Human Resources

Federal Job Search Training Discussion, FedTalk Radio 11 am ET with Kathryn Troutman

JOIN THE FEDERAL JOB SEARCH DISCUSSION … Call or write an email with your questions and challenges with your Federal Job Search! Internet or radio listening! February 10, 2012 — This week on FEDtalk, host Debra Rothwill lead a roundtable discussion on federal resume writing, and federal employment “train the trainer” programs in the D.C.Read… Read more »

How Do you Feel About Sneaky? Lawmakers Lob Scud Two

Last night, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved to modify the federal pension system that would increase the amount government employees contribute to their pensions. Quietly tucked away into the 2012 American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act (aka: The Highway Bill), this stand-alone legislation (H.R. 3813 as incorporated into H.R. 7), would requireRead… Read more »

Pop Quiz: What’s Up with your Employer Brand?

Building on last week’s post (Everybody Else is Recruiting…), here are 5 hints to assessing your employer brand (a distinct: Is your agency’s website well-designed and highly-navigable? When on your agency’s website, does it take more than 10 seconds to identify the careers or jobs page? Is there an intuitive approach to the way theRead… Read more »

Work: A Place — Or the Things We Do?

Imagine this: A workforce with no set schedule, no mandatory attendance, and no centralized location to get the job done. Confused? Don’t be. A new modern day philosophy is emerging in our workforce that slashes conventional workplace practices. The philosophy is known as ROWE – Results-Only Work Environment. Judging employees based on productivity instead ofRead… Read more »

HR Professionals, Social Media, and Talent Acquisition of the Future

By Ebony Scurry, PHR, GCDF-I Social Media for HR Professional Development Should HR professionals be using social media tools? Being connected with social media tools can make it easy for an HR professional to stay up to date on the latest trends and resources that will impact themselves and their customers. Human Resources professionals canRead… Read more »

Love Your Heart

Give yourself the gift of a healthier heart and a healthier future with the ones you love. Check out the new CDC Features article today. Learn more about smoking and heart health and find free resources for smokers who want to quit.

Health care reform stalls out in previously supportive states

Federal health care reform is facing more hurdles, this time with states that agreed to move forward implementing requirements before a Supreme Court ruling on the law. Some lawmakers and health insurance advocates in Pennslyvania are pushing back on the state’s plan for its health insurance exchange saying that as currently written the plan skewsRead… Read more »