Human Resources

Keeping Track! The Next Scud Hits Federal Compensation

So many pieces of legislation and so little time for campaigners to come up with ways to inhibit/prohibit pay increases for Federal employees. Proposals are coming out of Washington like scud missiles but looking less like true, well-researched bills to address real concerns with Federal compensation. What’s next? Freezing promotions? Here’s an abridged list ofRead… Read more »

Four Methods for Creating Thriving Employees

“If you give your employees the chance to learn and grow, they’ll thrive – and so will your organization,” says Gretchen Spreitzer and Christine Porath in an article they wrote in the January-February 2012 issue of Harvard Business Review. Their article doesn’t focus on creating happy employees but rather “thriving” employees. They say the focusRead… Read more »

ERP Movement in the Cloud Shaking Up HR Software Market

Recent activity – including the acquisitions of SuccessFactors by SAP and Rypple by Salesforce – is pumping new energy into web-based HR software in the HCM market. Things are clearly heating up in this sector, and investors have taken note. In the last two weeks, VC funds have been flowing into the human resources softwareRead… Read more »

Reward and Recognition in the Public Service – A System In Need of Reform

Social Connect via: Dan Pink gives a good TED talk on the subject of incentives that I’d like to share as an opening to this post. He believes that “carrot/stick” incentive models are not appropriate for the knowledge worker who does not perform mechanical tasks or “inside the box” tasks. During the talk, he givesRead… Read more »

Employees: Your Term Is Up!

We all know about term limits for politicians, but on Wednesday, I learned about new term limits for workers. If you have not heard, Revel, Atlantic City’s Newest Casino is setting term limits for their front-line staff. When their term runs out (4-6 years), they will be required to go through the hiring process again.Read… Read more »

How To Manage Talent in Federal Agencies

The demographic of government is rapidly changing, as the Baby Boomer’s near retirement federal agencies need to continue to execute their strategies around human capital. One key area of human capital is recruiting and cultivating talent, which is a critical part of retaining the most innovative and talented employees within the federal government. Talent managementRead… Read more »

The Bike Conference

It’s 2012. People are thinking outside the box, especially in the corporate world. Work no longer refers to where you go, but more importantly, what you do – and how you do it. Take the traditional conference for example — a number of employees shuffling into an ordinary office, sitting around an ordinary table, takingRead… Read more »