Human Resources

I Can’t Make You Learn a Thing! Let the Machines Do It!

Really! What you learn is really up to you. But it is up to us to give you the best means to do that. There are methods and modalities. By methods, I mean approaches to training; by modalities, I mean training tools by which we deliver the training. Can we use multiple modalities for trainingRead… Read more »

Ramp Up Your Job Search Research

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Specialist. Feeling stuck? Job search slowing? Not finding jobs that are really right for you? Go to the library! Runyon’s Corollary: Spending a few hours on the Internet often saves a few minutes in the library. Everything is NOT on the web. But your public library has aRead… Read more »

Leadership Demands Courage

With the start of the New Year I find myself in a reflective mood. Being an effective leader in government, with all the challenges of these tumultuous times, demands a deeper sense of courage and personal integrity. Leaders will be challenged to authentically stay true to our core beliefs and values. Certainly the dynamics ofRead… Read more »

What are your Favorite SES ECQs?

If you are going to consider an SES position within the next 5 years, you should begin to think about the ECQS and your experience. What’s your favorite or best ECQ? Consider the these basic tips for thinking about your leadership qualifications and preparing to write the five ECQs. ECQ #1 – Leading Change: ThisRead… Read more »

Unlocking Creative Potential – A Neuroscience Approach

Sandy Cormack, a personal and organizational consultant, continues with his installments of Unlocking Creative Potential. He uses a neuroscience-based approach to team building, leadership development, creativity and innovation, change management, and business strategy development. As my regular readers know, I am a big fan of looking at various ways learning takes place, when and howRead… Read more »

Look Out! Driverless Vehicles are on the Horizon

After writing the other day about Google’s car and the promise it holds for the future of our transportation, I was sent an awesome article written by Thomas Bamonte titled Information Becomes Infrastructure: Remaking the Highway Operating System in the Era of Smart Cars. Throughout the article, Bamonte, past general counsel for the Illinois StateRead… Read more »