Human Resources

SEPTA to cosponsor hackathon

Hoping to join the list of public agencies that have benefited from the open data movement, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority is cosponsoring a hackathon on October 8-9. The idea is to spur the creation of new applications that use SEPTA’s real-time data to benefit the riding public. As a recent hackathon in San FranciscoRead… Read more »

Steve Jobs 1955-2011: The most famous maestro of the micro.

When TIME named the computer as the 1982 ”Machine of the Year”, it published a long profile of Steve Jobs as “the most famous maestro of the micro.” Ha! Great turn of the phrase, and that was long before he really moved out in pushing the envelope in micro electronics, consumer technology and human-focused design.Read… Read more »

Daily Dose: Is the Amanda Knox Case Unique?

Amanda Knox, an American college student who was arrested in Italy while studying abroad for the murder of her roommate in 2009, was finally released yesterday. Even though the case gathered attention around the world because of Secretary Hilary Clinton’s personal involvement, the State Department claims that all Americans incarcerated abroad are priorities in theirRead… Read more »

New to site: looking for benefits info.

I am new to the site and wonder if any one knows If state retirement benefits( time accrued) in Florida can be transferred or taken with you and added to federal service. Thanks! Trying to do the math and make some serious decisions about wanting to serve in DC and needing to live.

Daily Dose: Federal employees urge Congress to cut wisely

A collection of federal workers’ groups has sent letters to Congress, asking members to carefully considercertain aspects of Obama’s deficit reduction plan. The groups represent about 4.6 million Federal employees. “We appreciate the Administration’s call for ‘some sacrifice from all of us,’ ” the letter continues. “However, federal employees are being disproportionately targeted in theRead… Read more »

Realizing your serious game potential

Most training coordinators and human resource managers have heard of incorporating serious games into ongoing professional development and employee training programs. What these professionals may not realize is the actual potential for learning that 3D simulations offer in virtually any type of work or learning environment. The ability to capitalize on the benefits of thisRead… Read more »


Higher premiums, fewer options await FEHBP enrollees Health care premiums under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program will increase an average of 3.8 percent in January – a significant hike for federal employees and retirees who are enduring frozen wages and cost-of-living adjustments, American Federation of Government Employees National President John Gage said today. ThisRead… Read more »

Part-time workers closing the gap for state government

According to census data, cash strapped state governments are firing public employees and replacing them with part-timers at an increased rate. Census numbers show that nationwide, state governments have lost over 200,000 public employees leaving much of the work to be done by part time employees. Many states are grappling with the cost of pensionsRead… Read more »