Human Resources

Daily Dose: Supercommittee Tasked with meeting Deficit Cuts

Today, the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction will meet for the first time, and has 76 days to come up with a deficit reduction plan totaling $1.5 trillion and win the support of congress. If the committee fails to reach an agreement, deep spending cuts will be automatically triggered throughout the government. The WashingtonRead… Read more »

Michigan tightens limits on welfare

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed a tighter limit on how long residents can draw welfare benefits into law yesterday. The bill signed yesterday places a strict 48 month lifetime limit on welfare cash assistance. Another bill moving through the state legislature would further limit where and when people can use that cash assistance – prohibitingRead… Read more »

NOLA, San Fran work to increase transparency

New Orleans and San Francisco are looking at ways to increase transparency. New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, announced yesterday that the city will be implementing two new measures BottomLineStat and ReqtoCheckStat designed to increase budget transparency and improve the efficiency of the city’s contracting system. San Francisco Board of Supervisors President David Chiu also announcedRead… Read more »

Show Me the Money, Salary and Benefits

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net HR Specialist When you are looking for a new job, a critical issues is pay and benefits. Yet too many of us don’t even think about these issues in advance. You need to or you may make simple mistakes with large dollar, long-term career consequences. So first, what constitutesRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Upgrades on the way for USA Jobs

The Washington Post Reports that USA Jobs will be getting new features to make the job application process easier. Between October 6 and12 the Office of Personnel Management will transfer data from to internal hosting due to cybersecurity concerns. During this time the site will be offline and no new jobs will be posted.Read… Read more »

Kansas says no to insurance exchange, refuses to comply on HCR

Following a rejection of $31.5 million in funds to build a health insurance exchange, Kansas made it clear yesterday that they will not be complying with federal heath care reform until the US Supreme Court makes a ruling on the constitutionality of the law. Earlier this month, the state was awarded $31.5 million in grantsRead… Read more »