Human Resources

It’s Time for a Tech Rebellion in Government

Rebellion abounds today, how can Government’s capture the passion and sustain the movements? I wrote this piece earlier this Summer for the Lower House of Congress in Mexico in anticipation of my publishing deal for my upcoming book, “Rebel Technology”. I wanted to publish it again given the events in Libya and what will potentiallyRead… Read more »

Aditya’s CfA Summer

(Over the summer of 2011, over a dozen students interned with Code for America. They brought great energy, passion, and skills to bear on our projects and our mission to make government more open and efficient. Over the next week, we’ll be posting their summaries of their work and learnings, in addition to an overviewRead… Read more »

Fresh Look at IT Program Manager Competencies

In all the hype about new technology, we often forget to talk about what government IT is mostly about – that’s project management. It’s about leading projects to solve problems and it’s pretty tough. Was cool to see OPM deliver the new competency program for IT program managers. The hardest part is defining what makesRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Could and Should USPS Pull Out of FEHBP?

We all know by now that the U.S. Postal Service is struggling to get by. It lost $8.5 billion last year, and earlier this summer here on GovLoop we debated the merits of cutting back to 3- or 5-day mail delivery instead of the customary 6. Another solution being floated would involve disenrolling all postalRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Another Transit Shutdown Crisis Brewing

The Washington Post reports that state transportation officials are worried that another congressional stalemate could lead to a halt in construction projects nationwide, leaving thousands out of work and delays in highway and transit projects. The Washington Post reports: “Facing a Sept. 30 deadline, officials are mindful of the deadlock that occurred this month overRead… Read more »

workforce development on a city level

by Ross Nugent, BR2011 People are often viewed as the most important resource that any organization has. This is true, especially as you climb the levels of an organization. It’s becoming more commonplace for businesses to provide workforce development opportunities. It makes sense: employees remain with the company for long enough to qualify for furtherRead… Read more »

Is Open Government Dead?

In recent weeks, the main stream media has questioned whether the Obama administration’s Open Government initiative has lost its steam. But is it really dead? For example, Washington Post columnist Vivek Wadhwa’s article “The Death of Open Government” followed the resignation announcement of the federal government’s chief information officer – and Open Government champion —Read… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Pitching Young Employees on Your Federal Agency

The average age of my agency’s employees is high. With retirements increasing, we will need to recruit and hire younger employees. What is the recruiting pitch that will appeal to younger employees? How do you entice them to join your agency? – Federal Manager (GS-15), Department of Veterans Affairs This is a great question. RecruitingRead… Read more »

Super PACs, super committees, super disclosure, super political law links today

SUPER PAC VIEW. Charlie Spies addresses Restore Our Future in this USAT editorial. “The activities of Super PACs, such as Restore Our Future, are not only constitutionally protected, but also are important for our democracy because they add voices to the political discourse. Restore Our Future will continue to fully comply with the law andRead… Read more »