Human Resources

Preparing Your Job Search Salary Strategy

Patra’s money quote: “Money. Salary. Compensation. All a critical aspect of your job search and yet to many Americans, more difficult to talk about than sex.” What do you need to do to determine your strategy? Learn what you are worth in terms of the job you want. Be clear with hiring managers about yourRead… Read more »

Retreat Exercises and Interventions that Changed Organizational Cultures: Unexpected Discoveries

Last week produced a “déjà vu” experience although it was definitely not the “déjà vu all over again” variety. For only the second time in my speaking career I received unanticipated feedback from participants of a workshop two or more years after the actual event. This is not trivial as one of the challenging aspectsRead… Read more »

The Technology of VoltDB

VoltDB is a company fielding a technology designed by DBMS pioneer Mike Stonebreaker. It is designed to address challenges of performance limitations in existing systems, and also provides significant potential cost savings, giving it the virtuous position of having more functionality at a lower cost. In conversations with Stonebreaker I learned a bit more aboutRead… Read more »

Raytheon to win LA-RICS contract?

Deltek Sr. Analyst Jeff Webster reports. The process to contract a vendor for the Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System (LA-RICS) has taken another, almost inevitable, twist. A representative within LA County breached a non-disclosure agreement relative to the LA-RICS request for proposals (RFP) on May 23, 2011. This subsequently led the county to issueRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Protecting Employees from Retaliation

Have you ever been afraid to speak up for fear of losing your job? Discrimination complaints are on the rise at federal agencies, but many employees are still afraid to complain for fear of retaliation, according to a new EEOC report. In particular, the EEOC found that the Bureau of Prisons had an unusually poorRead… Read more »

Why Small Regional Training Conferences Are Most Effective

I recently published a blog on 5 Ways to Make Your Training Conferences Rock! But we all know that large training conferences aren’t always the most effective training platform. In fact, if we have to have a training conference at all, the smaller conference or meeting (sounds less formal) is the best face-to-face way toRead… Read more »

10 Days Out to Next Gen Summit – Last Chance to Register, Win, & Volunteer

Can’t believe we are only 10 days out from our 2nd annual GovLoop/YGL Next Generation of Government Summit. Behind the scene, we’ve been cranking away on everything from brainstorming an awesome ideation game with IDEO, coordinating our Funniest Fed comedic performance, studying which bean bag chairs to bring in, getting written up in Governing magazine,Read… Read more »

Planning Your Military Transition

In this video ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Specialist Patra Frame talks about the importance of military personnel using the transition services that are available to them when planning their transition to the civilian work world. Many others have traveled this road before so learn from their mistakes, don’t repeat them. It’s helpful to talk to folks whoRead… Read more »

Big Business Recruiting Via Social Networks Trending Upwards

I think we’ve all seen and heard the articles about how companies are starting to conduct “social media background investigations,” but how many companies are actually using social networks as a recruiting mechanism? Well, Jobvite has come to us with an answer via a survey they have now been conducting for nearly four years, annually,Read… Read more »